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首先是军队,那么军事警察,维吉尔的花却没有东奔西走了一会,然后卢卡斯明尼苏达局他招募刑事忧惧,承诺给我们只会给你烈性酒。他一直做烈性酒三年后的- - -但还从没这样的东西。

First the Army, then the military police, Virgil Flowers had kicked around for a while before Lucas Davenport recruited him to the Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension, promising him We'll only give you the hard stuff . He'd been doing the hard stuff for three years now - but never anything like this. In the small town of Bluestem, where everybody knows everybody, a house way up on a ridge explodes into flames, its elderly owner trapped inside. Following up rumours of financial scams plus some very dodgy activities with other men's wives, Flowers discovers several reasons why the victim was so hated. And that wasn't even the reason why he'd come to Bluestem. Three weeks before, there'd been another murder, two in fact - a doctor and his wife; the doctor found propped up in his own backyard, both eyes shot out. There hadn't been a murder in Bluestem in years, and now suddenly three? Flowers knows two things: This isn't a coincidence, and this has to be personal. But just how personal, Flowers might not find out until too late. Because the next victim ...might be himself.

刚刚查询:月光消逝 应激性 乱世佳人续集:斯佳丽 余宏达 成比例 古墓哥 电阻表 电压表 僵尸物语 中国水暖城 缇奇·米克 接线柱 顺义区人口和计划生育委员会 酪蛋白钙肽 傲世法则 磁电式 蔡碧珩 下密院 方程式 单位制 正模标本 productivity 古代希伯来文学 Sources 今井萤 通和盛世 散积丹 藤乃静留 换言之 东柯谷 真人真事 成交价 意大利式猎人鸭排 泡玎 她的名字叫恶女 菲律宾电影 原封不动 兴高采烈 spelaea 含辛茹苦 肉酱丝瓜 流血的仕途 Therac-25案例 数据网 北京农学院生物技术学院 人才荟萃 科尔曼 重复说 首先是 de-tachment 闪闪果实 殊不知 何平辉 核子武器 格罗夫 马克·吐温中短篇小说选 西利欧·佛瑞尔 ballistic 骨法用笔 惜墨如金 过饱和 埋藏地 法门寺 福田传奇 高仓阳毬 米哈伊尔·格里戈里那维奇·叶夫列莫夫 电气自动化专业英语 圣萨尔瓦多 十分关心 曹克佳 代议制 生活上 几分钟 垄断资本主义 核扩散 黄梅县 Researcher 左妻右妾 闯关东Ⅱ
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