
A million stars above you

A couple in your hair

Asking you which palm you choose

How could I answer that

I'm feeling something special

I'm feeling something real

'Cause when we're here together

I like the way it feels

I like the way it feels

With you ooooo Julianne

With you ooooo Julianne

I'm right here with you

Even if far away I'll never leave you


Hands on the wheels we're driving

Wind breezing through your hair

The scene of purple violets

Breathe in the ocean air

I'm feeling something special

I'm feeling something real

'Cause when we're here together

I like the way it feels

I like the way it feels

With you ooooo Julianne

With you ooooo Julianne

I'm right here with you

Even if far away I'll never leave you


Don't mind if I cry baby

Let your heart out

Let your guard down

I'm sailing good baby

You feel so good

Feelin' so good

With you ooooo Julianne

With you ooooo Julianne

I'm right here with you

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