ADJArabian means belonging or relating to Arabia, especially to Saudi Arabia. 阿拉伯的; (尤指)沙特阿拉伯的[1]

Arabian Nights 一千零一夜 ; 天方夜谭 ; 阿拉伯之夜 ; 阿拉丁神灯

Darley Arabian 达利阿拉伯 ; 达利·阿拉伯 ; 阿拉伯号

Arabian Gulf 阿拉伯湾 ; 阿拉伯海湾 ; 波斯湾 ; 前往阿推伯湾

Arabian Magic 波斯战记 ; 阿拉伯魔法

Arabian Proverb 阿拉伯谚语

arabian dollar 阿拉伯美元

Arabian stripes 阿拉伯粗平纹条子布

arabian cotton 阿拉伯棉 ; 黎凡特棉 ; 草本棉 ; 美国短绒棉[1]

1Sandstorms are common during the Saudi Arabian winter.在沙特阿拉伯的冬季期间内沙暴很常见。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

2The "Empty Quarter" is a huge area of sand that covers about a quarter of the Arabian Peninsula.“空白之地”是一大片沙地,覆盖了四分之一的阿拉伯半岛。

3Although men's touching is more normal in these cultures, physical contact between persons of opposite sexes who are not family members is negatively perceived in Arabian countries.尽管男性的身体接触在这些文化中更为正常,但在阿拉伯国家,人们会抵触非家庭成员的异性之间的身体接触。

4The Arabian Desert lies between the Red Sea and the Arabian Gulf.阿拉伯沙漠位于红海和阿拉伯湾之间。

5Oil was discovered under parts of the desert and in the Arabian Gulf.人们在沙漠的部分地区和阿拉伯湾发现了石油。

6The kingdom occupies 80% of the Arabian Peninsula.王国占有阿拉伯半岛中的80%领域。

7Oman is the world "s easternmost Arabian country."阿曼是世界上最东面的阿拉伯国家。

8Tina: "I think the Saudi Arabian will hit the spot today."Tina也开个玩笑,说“I think the Saudi Arabian will hit the spot today.” 我想今天来点阿拉伯口味挺合胃口的。

9COSMOPOLITAN atmosphere, Arabian charm: how life should be.大都市气息+阿拉伯风情,这将是什么样的生活?

10The country borders India, Afghanistan, Iran, China and the Arabian Sea.该国与印度、阿富汗、伊朗、中国和阿拉伯海岸接壤。

11Earlier this year, Saudia Arabian women were granted the right to vote.今年年初,沙特妇女被赋予了投票权。

12'the' Arabian blade 'is a mixed-use tower designed by claudio catalano.“阿拉伯尖刀”是一个混合用途的塔楼,由claudio catalano设计。

13The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is the largest country on the Arabian Peninsula.沙特阿拉伯王国是阿拉伯半岛最大的国家。

14Under-Appreciated People Four: The Saudi Arabian women who are fighting back.被忽略的第四种人:反抗的沙特阿拉伯妇女。

15Dubai is a part of the Arabian Desert, but is topographically different from it.迪拜虽然是阿拉伯沙漠的一部分,但从地形上来说,它却不同于阿拉伯沙漠。

16To the south is the Arabian Sea, with 1,046 km (650 mile) of Pakistani coastline.在其南方是阿拉伯海,距巴基斯坦海岸1046公里。

17Two rivers, the Lyari and Malir, pass through Karachi en route to the Arabian Sea.两条河流——勒亚力河(Lyari)与马里尔河(Malir)从卡拉奇穿城而过,流入阿拉伯海。

18The towering ridge of a sand dune in the Arabian Desert points to the afternoon sun.阿拉伯沙漠上一座高耸的沙丘脊指向着午后的落日。

19Before returning to Dubai, enjoy Arabic music and Arabian belly dancers (belly dance).返回杜拜之前,聆赏阿拉伯音乐和欣赏阿拉伯肚皮舞娘的表演吧。

20The Kotri Barrage is the final such structure before the river empties into the Arabian Sea.科特里克大坝是最后一座拦截河流进入阿拉伯海的水坝。

21The Arabian oryx is a large antelope with two long horns, native to the Arabian Peninsula.原产于阿拉伯半岛的大羚羊,是一种大型羚羊,头上有两个长角。

22Shadows from the campfire outside flicker on the tent as you feast on an Arabian barbecue buffet.当你好好享用一顿阿拉伯烤肉自助餐,外面营火的影子在帐篷上闪烁。

23Situated on the coast of the Arabian Sea, Karachi is Pakistan's financial center, main port, and largest city.卡拉奇,位于阿拉伯海沿岸,是巴基斯坦的金融中心,主要港口以及最大的城市。

24At the time of his birth, around 570, the Arabian Peninsula had been inhabited by tribal peoples for centuries.约公元570年,在他出生的时候,部落族群就已经在阿拉伯半岛上定居了好多个世纪。

25We've prohibited torture and strengthened partnerships from the Pacific to South Asia to the Arabian Peninsula.我们禁止酷刑,加强了从太平洋到南亚和阿拉伯半岛的伙伴关系。[1]

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