英 [ˈkwɪkli] 美 [ˈkwɪkli]

adv. 快速地;很快,马上;短暂地,匆匆地[1]

get there quickly 得到快车子 ; 得到 ; 获患上快车子 ; 患上到快车子

quickly i'm learning 快点我在听 ; 我很快认识到 ; 一切

This camel moves quickly 神秘的金字塔 ; 奥秘的金字塔 ; 秘密的金字塔

as quickly as possible 尽快地 ; 尽可能快 ; 越快越好 ; 最快速

answer quickly 抢答字母组 ; 快说字母对抗赛 ; 快速反应 ; 很快地回答

quickly-cured 迅速治愈的 ; 快速治愈的 ; 是什么意思

LEARN QUICKLY 快速学习 ; 学得快

as quickly as you can 语速加快

run quickly 奔驰 ; 跑得快 ; 副词修饰动词[1]

Her health degenerated quickly. 她的健康状况迅速恶化。

The party was arranged quickly. 聚会很快就安排好了。

Hasn't the time gone quickly? 时光过得真快,是不是?

The room was filling quickly. 房间很快就挤满了人。

The crowd dispersed quickly. 人群很快便散开了。

She quickly gulped her soda. 她很快地把汽水一饮而尽。

The rumours were quickly quashed. 流言很快被制止了。

He read the salient facts quickly. 他迅速地阅读了那些最重要的事实。

Alcohol acts quickly on the brain. 酒精对大脑迅速产生影响。

I ate too quickly and got hiccups. 我吃得太快,结果不断地打嗝。

The eggs quickly hatch into larvae. 这些卵很快孵化成幼虫。

She walked quickly away. 她迅速走开了。

The army quickly crushed the revolt. 军队很快镇压了叛乱。

These creatures can multiply quickly. 这些生物能迅速大量繁殖。

He quickly washed his hands and face. 他很快把手和脸洗了。

The nutrient is quickly leached away. 养分很快就被滤掉了。

Darkness falls quickly in the tropics. 在热带地区夜幕降临迅速。

Night descends quickly in the tropics. 热带地区黑夜来得快。

My heart started to beat more quickly. 我的心跳开始加快。

Cars quickly stacked up behind the bus. 公共汽车后面的汽车很快排成了长龙。

The hotel was quickly consumed by fire. 那座旅馆很快被大火吞噬。

Cussane worked quickly and methodically. 丘萨恩干得快而且有条不紊。

Boston quickly became a flourishing port. 波斯顿迅速成为一个繁荣的港口。

I dressed quickly. 我很快穿好了衣服。

Wall Street responded quickly to the news. 华尔街对这一消息反应迅速。

Order was quickly restored after the riots. 暴乱过后秩序很快得到了恢复。

In the locker room, Amanda changed quickly. 在更衣室里,阿曼达快速地换好了衣服。

From now on events moved reasonably quickly. 从此,事情发展得相当快。

He quickly involved himself in local politics. 他很快就参与到地方政治活动中去了。

You'll quickly adjust yourself to student life. 你将很快适应学生生活。[1]

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