David Lean in Close-Up ------- (2009)[1]
Telstar ------- (2008)
The Calling ------- (2008)
Come Here Today ------- (2008)
Puffball ------- (2007)
There for Me ------- (2007)
The Hideout ------- (2007)
"British Film Forever" ------- (2007)
Marple: The Sittaford Mystery ------- (2006)
Angel Cake ------- (2006)
Loneliness and the Modern Pentathlon ------- (2005)
成为朱莉娅/纵情天后/站在舞台上/情迷祖莉亚 Being Julia ------- (2004)
Life Beyond the Box: Margo ------- (2003)
The Stretford Wives ------- (2002)
"Richard & Judy" ------- (2001)
出于深度 Out of Depth ------- (2000)
Swing ------- (1999)
越爱越沉痛/肌肤下的秘密 Under the Skin ------- (1997) 肌肤下的秘密
The Boy from Mercury ------- (1996)
大冒险 An Awfully Big Adventure ------- (1995)
Ewangelia wedlug Harry'ego ------- (1994)
Papierowe malzenstwo ------- (1992)
A csalás gyönyöre ------- (1992)
Sunday Pursuit ------- (1990)
Resurrected ------- (1989)
Hard Days, Hard Nights ------- (1989)
The Legendary Life of Ernest Hemingway ------- (1988)