英 [bɪˈheɪvjə(r)] 美 [bɪˈheɪvjər]

n. 行为,举止;态度;反应[1]

dynamic behavior 动态行为;动态特性;能动行为

mechanical behavior 机械特性;力学特征;机械行为

consumer behavior 消费者的行为

rheological behavior 流变特性;龄行为,龄性行为

bad behavior 坏行为

sexual behavior 性行为

social behavior 社会行为,社会性行为

good behavior 品行良好;行为检点

organizational behavior 组织行为;组织行为学

behavior analysis 行为分析

moral behavior 道德行为

behavior characteristics 行为特征;性能特征

individual behavior 个人行为

behavior pattern 行为范型

thermal behavior 热行为,热性能

organization behavior 组织行为;组织行为学

behavior change 行为改变,行为变化

abnormal behavior 异常行为;变态行为

behavior science 行为科学

aggressive behavior 攻击行为;侵犯行为[1]

1Your behavior was very remiss.你的行为很失礼。

2Listening is a polite behavior.倾听是礼貌的行为。

3His behavior was in good taste.他的行为很得体。

4It is an uncontrollable behavior.这是一种无法控制的行为。

5You cannot justify such behavior.你不能为这种行为申辩。

6We should not reward bad behavior.我们不应当奖励坏的行为。

7In your behavior, you can be an actor.在你的行为中,你可以是一个演员。

8How does this relate to their behavior?这和他们的行为有什么关系呢?

9Our other neighbors don't like his behavior.我们的其他邻居不喜欢他的行为。

10You can tailor the login and logout behavior.您可以定制登录和注销行为。

11Observe how one's mind affects one's behavior.观察一个人的思想如何影响他的行为。

12You ought to be ashamed of your foolish behavior.你应当为你的愚蠢行为感到羞耻。

13Parenting behavior, that sounds so gentle and caring.为人父母的行为,听起来是那么温柔和体贴。

14My current research is really about consumer behavior.我目前的研究正是关于消费者行为的。

15Here are some surprising stories about animal behavior.这里有一些关于动物行为的令人惊讶的故事。

16But that's not an irrelevant or inappropriate behavior.但这并不是无关或不恰当的行为。

17He always puts his opinions and rules of behavior on me.他总是把他的意见和行为准则强加给我。

18The reasons for this behavior are fairly straightforward.这种行为的原因非常简单。

19What's the connection between bird and dinosaur behavior?鸟类和恐龙的行为之间有什么联系呢?

20All I did was let him know his behavior was unacceptable.我所做的只是让他知道他的行为是不可接受的。

21I'll engage in John's behavior if you decide to employ him.如果你决定聘用约翰,我愿为他的行为担保。

22It is just a wrapper around the behavior inside the method.它只是作为方法内部的行为的包装程序。

23"Play is not silly behavior," the academy's report declares.“玩耍不是愚蠢的行为。”科学院的报告称。

24These theorists view language as imitative, learned behavior.这些理论家认为语言是模仿的、习得的行为。

25A variation of a gene can influence people's social behavior.基因的变异会影响人们的社会行为。

26As an example, let's look at foraging behavior among beavers.作为一个例子,让我们看看海狸的觅食行为。

27Procrastinators like to find excuses to justify their behavior.拖延症患者喜欢找借口为自己的行为辩解。

28Language is the most astonishing behavior in the animal kingdom.语言是动物界中最令人惊讶的行为。

29They may be patterns of structure, patterns of behavior, or both.它们可能是结构模式,行为模式,或者两者兼而有之。[1]

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