
encyclopedia britannica大英百科全书[1]

1The encyclopedia is available on CD-ROM.百科全书光盘已上市。《牛津词典》

2It resembles a picture in the encyclopedia.它就像百科全书里的一幅画。

3It is a new kind of encyclopedia about books.这是一种有关书籍的新型百科全书。

4I would have to go to some encyclopedia or something like that.我必须去找一些百科全书或者类似的书籍。

5You should manage the foundation models in a separate encyclopedia.您可以在单独的百科全书中管理基础模型。

6How could such a stupid notion, an encyclopedia written by anyone and everyone, ever work?一个由任何人和每一个人撰写的百科全书,这么一个如此愚蠢的概念怎么能获得成功?

7No data has been duplicated, and the encyclopedia will work as it always has, except in a read-only mode.没有数据被复制,而除了在只读模式下运行外,百科全书会按照一贯的方式工作。

8How can you manage evolutionary versions of an Encyclopedia during the lifecycle of your architecture development?在结构开发的生命周期期间,您应该怎样管理百科全书的发展版本呢?

9Workers at the Root Glass Company got the request and began flipping through the encyclopedia at the local library, landing on cocoa seed.鲁特玻璃公司的员工收到了这份要求,他们开始在当地图书馆翻阅百科全书,找到了可可种子。

10He can read and remember the contents of an encyclopedia volume in a few minutes, and speak a language fluently after reading one textbook.他能在几分钟内阅读并记住百科全书的内容,并且能在读完一本教科书后流利地说一门语言。

11The encyclopedia is packed with clear illustrations and over 250 recipes.这本百科全书充满了清晰的插图,还有二百五十多个食谱。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

12It's like an encyclopedia for social life.它就像一本社会生活的百科全书。

13There are Chinese language learning books, encyclopedia, linguistic books and reading materials.有汉语学习书籍、百科全书、语言学书籍和阅读材料。

14The police officer sent a young man out to get an encyclopedia.警官派了一个年轻人去拿一本百科全书。

15I am assuming you haven't loaded the Encyclopedia Britannica into the memory.我认为你们还没有下载大英百科全书到存储器里。

16When planning Encyclopedia Britannica, I had to create a table of contents based on the topics of its articles.在规划《大英百科全书》时,我必须根据文章的主题创建一个目录。

17Why don't you look it up in the encyclopedia?你为什么不去查百科全书?《新英汉大辞典》

18She is reading the encyclopedia!还读百科全书呢!

19Want to try this encyclopedia?想试试这本百科全书吗?

20I have looked it up in the encyclopedia.我已经在百科全书中查到它了。

21You can't do this with an encyclopedia.要是百科全书的话你就无法做到这一点。

22Click new to create a new encyclopedia.点击new以创建一个新的百科全书。

23Open the encyclopedia that interests you.打开您所感兴趣的百科全书。

24The encyclopedia thudded onto the floor.那本百科全书砰地掉在地板上。

25He was turning over pages of an encyclopedia.他在翻阅一本百科全书。

26The next step is to create a new Encyclopedia.接下来的一步是创建一个新的百科全书。


28She has said she plans an encyclopedia on the series.她表示已有计划为该系列编撰一本百科全书。

29"We're not trying to write an encyclopedia," he said.“我们又不是在写维基大百科,”他说道。

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