形容词 a.
1. 眼睛的;视力的
2. 光学的
1. 光纤
Optical Carrier
随着计算机的普及,OC有着另一个含义,即OVER CLOCK--超频。计算机爱好者常说CPUOC 后怎样怎样即指将CPU进行超频。
1A sensor channels the light signal along an optical fibre.传感器沿光导纤维输送光信号。《牛津词典》
2These optical fibres may be used for new sorts of telephony.这些光纤可以应用在新型电话通讯系统。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
3Optical scanners ensure that imperfections in the cloth are located and removed.光电扫描器能确保找出并去除布料上的瑕疵。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
4The camera combines rugged reliability with unequalled optical performance and speed.这款照相机集经久可靠性、无与伦比的光学性能和速度于一身。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
5Float plants today make glass of near optical quality.如今浮法工厂制造的玻璃具有近乎光学的品质。
6Optical radiation is just visible light energy spreading out.光辐射就只是扩散的可见光能量。
7Rocks like quartz, well, quartz of optical quality weren't cheap.具有像石英这样的光学品质的石头并不便宜。
8We might as well give up on optical astronomy and go with radio astronomy.我们还是可能放弃光学天文学,选择无线电天文学。
9In astronomy, in optical astronomy, we cannot measure the period or the frequency of optical light.在天文学中,在光学天文学中,我们不能测量周期或者可见光的频率。
10We have trouble discovering those sorts of bodies, much less studying them using just optical telescopes.我们很难发现这类天体,更不用说用光学望远镜研究它们了。
11In optical astronomy, using a telescope and observing the stars that way, we rely on visible light waves.在光学天文学中,在用望远镜观察恒星时,我们依靠的是可见光波。
12Optical astronomy is most directly affected, for although interstellar gas is perfectly transparent, the dust is not.光学天文学受到最直接的影响,因为虽然星际气体是完全透明的,但尘埃却不是。
13The key development lies in the ability of the sphere, an optical device, not only to remain invisible itself but to slow light.关键在于光纤球功能的开发,一种光学设备,不仅要保持自身的不可见性,还要能减缓光线。
14From end to end, the Milky Way's starry disk, observable with the naked eye and through optical telescopes, spans 120,000 light-years.从一端到另一端,银河系布满星星的圆盘横跨12万光年,可以用肉眼和光学望远镜观察到。
15At each end of the fibre, optical signals must be converted to or from the electrical signals that computers use to process information.在纤维的各端,必须将光信号转换成电信号或者将电信号转换成光信号,计算机用电信号处理信息。
16To measure the difference in elevation between poles, surveyors used an optical level—a telescope on a level base—placed halfway between the poles.为了测量两极之间的高程差,测量员在两极中间的一个水平基座上使用了光学水准望远镜。
17Bille and his team work with an optical instrument called an active mirror—a device used in astronomical telescopes to spot newly emerging stars and far distant galaxies.比尔和他的团队使用一种被称为“活动镜”的光学仪器,这是一种在天文望远镜的种类中用来发现新出现的恒星和遥远星系的仪器。
18Galileo did not invent the telescope, but on hearing, in 1609, that such an optical instrument had been made, he quickly built his own device from an organ pipe and spectacle lenses.伽利略并没有发明望远镜,但在1609年听到有人制造了这种光学仪器后,他很快用管风琴管和眼镜镜片制造了自己的望远镜。
19A company plans to develop a prototype weeding machine that uses cutting blades with optical sensors and microprocessors that distinguish weeds from crop plants by differences in shade of color.一家公司计划开发一种原型除草机,它使用带有光学传感器和微处理器的刀片,通过颜色的深浅区别杂草和作物。
20Sloping walls on the bulk of the building create an optical illusion.大楼主体的斜墙给人造成一种视错觉。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》
21An anthelion is a rare optical phenomenon.幻日是一种罕见的光学现象。
22As for optical features, it is strongly pleochroic.至于光学特性,它是强烈多色的。
23There are two kinds of twins in Berlinite: electric twin and optical twin.磷酸铝晶体中存在两类双晶:电双晶和光双晶。
24The position of the galaxy center is misinterpreted by an optical flare of the jet itself.星系中心的位置被射流本身的光学耀斑所曲解。
25We derived a set of mathematical formulas for describing the third-order nonlinear optical process in polydiacetylene crystals.我们建立了一套描述聚丁二炔晶体中的三阶非线性光学过程的数学公式。
26Several chemical and physical properties of ASP have been evaluated based on specific optical rotation values and sugar composition.基于特定的旋光度值和糖成分,已经评估了 ASP 的几种化学和物理性质。
27All the optical effects have disappeared.所有的视觉效果都不见了。
28All the optical effects have disappeared.所有的光影效果都不见了。
29No optical drive.无光驱。
30Ideal weather for certain optical illusions.产生某些光幻象的完美的天气。[1]