英 [ˈsɪlvəri] 美 [ˈsɪlvəri]
adj. 银色的,似银的;(声音)清脆的,银铃般悦耳的[1]
silvery /ˈsɪlvərɪ/ TEM4
1.ADJ Silvery things look like silver or are the colour of silver. 似银的; 银色的[1]
Silvery Pigeon 银鸽
Silvery white 银白色 ; 银翼 ; 灰白的
silvery tongue 能言善辩的
silvery pig iron [材] 高硅生铁
silvery fungi 银耳 ; 腱子肉
Silvery Ware 银制品
silvery green 银绿
silvery iron 高硅生铁
Silvery Pigment 银色颜料[1]
The carpet had a silvery sheen to it. 地毯有种银色的光泽。
My father is a small, intense man with silvery hair. 我父亲是个热情的人,小个子,满头银发。
Through stubby spinneys of akeake, I saw the bend of a river, as silvery as the underside of a fern. 透过矮壮的新西兰坡柳小树林我看到了河湾,像蕨类植物叶子背面一样闪着银光。
The wall weathered to silvery grey. 由于雨打日晒,墙变成了银灰色。
The bright moon climbed high in the sky, showering its silvery light on the ground. 明月高挂,银光泻地。
A silvery pile of fish. 一堆银白色的鱼。
I asked, pointing to a thin, silvery creature. 我指着一条细小银色的鱼问道。
Behind them waterfalls cascade down in the silvery light. 在他们身后,瀑布闪烁着银光飞泻而下。
Poets who wax lyrical about the silvery Moon may be on to something. 擅长寄情于银色月光的诗人大概是收到了宇宙的某些启示。
Her long blond hair, tied back as usual, has turned silvery grey. 她的金色长发已经变成了银灰色,像往常一样束在后面。
At the front desk, a man with silvery hair stands with a pigeon on his shoulder. 而前台那,一银发男子站立着,一鸽子站在他的肩上。
Sunlight reflecting off the water's surface gives it a pale, silvery blue color. 水面上太阳光反射让水面呈现出银白蓝色。
Water, usually dark blue in this type of image, is silvery white from reflected sunlight. 水在图中通常呈暗蓝色,只有在有阳光反射的部分显示为银白色。
Through stubby spinneys of akeake I saw the bend of a river, as silvery as the underside of a fern. 透过矮小的杂树林我看见河湾,像蕨类植物叶子背面一样闪着银光。
Ruthenium (ru) : Like platinum and palladium, ruthenium is a silvery metal that does not easily tarnish. 钌:像铂和钯一样,钌是一种不易变色的银白色金属。
Behind me someone switched on a light, and I could see his luxuriant silvery hair and strong, craggy face. 身后的客人开亮一支手电,使我能看清他那银色的头发和健壮、多棱的脸孔。
I at once moved away from the shadow, left it behind and there still serene and silvery I saw the moon. 立刻走出阴影,甩开它,我又见到了银白、宁静的月亮。
It had been seven years since it came into this world, born from the silvery solution of the photographic tray. 这张照片从冲印盘的银色溶液中诞生已经七年了。
Stretch marks, red skin striations that can gradually fade to a silvery hue, form when you gain weight rapidly. 妊娠纹是一种可以逐渐由红色褪为银色的纹,它形成于你迅速增加体重时。
In the top image, the Mississippi Delta is at image centre, and the oil slick is a silvery swirl to the right. 图像的上部,密西西比三角洲位于正中。浮油似银色的漩涡流向右边。
Evidently one, and only one, tiny leaf beetle can dance on this pin's head — the silvery circle in this 40 X photo. 显然一个,并且只有一个,小小的叶甲才能在这个大头针顶——这张40倍图片上银色的圆周——上跳舞。
Dumbledore pours silvery memories into the basin so that he and Harry can revisit the detailed past with fresh eyes. 邓布利多将银色的记忆从脑中拉出放入盆中,以便他和哈利可以再次回顾过去的某些细节。
Between the clouds, however, a silvery-gray streak of oil remained visible offshore of the Mississippi River Delta. 然而在云层之间,在密西西比河三角洲的离岸水域上,银灰色的浮油条纹依旧可见。
Wuthering Heights rose above this silvery vapour; but our old house was invisible; it rather dips down on the other side. 呼啸山庄耸立在这银色的雾气上面,但是却看不见我们的老房子——那是偏在山的另一面的。
Instead, fish - specifically hundreds of silvery anchovies - were used to represent the quilted puffs of a Moncler dress. 鱼类,特别是数以百计的银色凤尾鱼则被用来表现一款蒙特·克莱尔女装上絮有棉花的那种鼓鼓的感觉。
They are cobalt-blue on top and silvery-white below, with a pronounced dorsal fin and a long, lethal, spear-shaped upper jaw. 它的顶部是钴蓝色,下面和银白色;有着明显的背鳍,还有着长长的、能致命的矛状上颚。
These silvery threads stretching around the dark globe create a dramatic spider's web showing the patterns of our global sprawl. 这些银色的线围着夜色里黑暗的地球伸展,创造出一个引人注目的蜘蛛网,显示出我们全球扩张的模式。
As the X-37B moved toward the horizon it became silvery and brightened to around magnitude -6, far outshining Venus below it. 接着它就闪耀起来,当x - 37 B太空船接近地平线的时候,它银亮耀眼,亮度达到了-6等,连闪闪发光的金星都远不及它亮。
I was transfixed by Bandit's humanlike face and silvery eyes, but researchers have been careful to avoid making it look too human. 班迪特的面孔和银色眼睛逼真的令我震惊,但研究人员一直在谨慎地避免它看上去太像人类。[1]