
Shoulders lean on a wall

Shadow a doorway

To nowhere at all

The sky has no surface

So you look at the floor

Eyes tire out when

You're searching for more

The crook of your shoulder

is where I belong

The crook of your shoulder

is where I belong

The crook of your shoulder

Like a fancy domed clock

Moves the sky over time

Looking behind me when

you're only in my mind

Searching is endless

When there's nothing to find

Someone brushed past me

My name shouted out

The voice in my head when

I'm walking about

Endlessly searching

To figure it out

The crook of your shoulder

is where I belong

The crook of your shoulder

is where I belong

The crook of your shoulder

Like a fancy domed clock

Moves the sky over time

Looking behind me when

you're only in my mind

Searching is endless

When there's nothing to find

Like a fancy domed clock

The sky is a circle

Days are repeated

Around over time

Instead of beginnings

The clock ticks

on and through

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