In the preparation of this volume we were fortunate to receive advice from C. Berning, P. Deift, V. Enss, G. Hagedorn, J. Holder, T. Ikebe, M. Klaus, S. Kuroda, J. Morgan III, S. Pinault, J. Rauch, S. Ruijsenaars, and L. Smith. We are grateful to these individuals and others whose comments made this book better. 本书为英文版



Contents of Other Volumes


1. An overview of scattering phenomena

2. Classical particle scattering

3. The basic principles of scattering in Hilbert space

Appendix 1 Stationary phase methods

Appendix 2 Trace ideal properties of f(x)g(-i)

Appendix 3 A general invariance principle for wave operators

4. Quantum scattering I: Two-body case

5. Quantum scattering II: N-body case

6. Quantum scattering III: Eigenfunction expansions

Appendix Introduction to eigenfunction expansions by the auxiliary space method

7. Quantum scattering IV: Dispersion relations

8. Quantum scattering V: Central potentials

A. Reduction of the S-matrix by symmetries

B. The partial wave expansion and its convergence

C. Phase shifts and their connection to the Schrodinger equation

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