英 [ˈpriːstli] 美 [ˈpriːstli]

adj. (像)神职人员的,牧师的,神父的

[ 比较级 priestlier 最高级 priestliest ][1]


priestly /ˈpriːstlɪ/

1.ADJ Priestly is used to describe things that belong or relate to a priest. 牧师的; 教士的; 神父的 [usu ADJ n][1]

Miranda Priestly 梅丽尔·斯特里普 ; 米兰达·普瑞斯特利 ; 普里斯特利 ; 米兰达

Priestly Medal 普里斯特利奖 ; 普利斯莱奖

Joseph Priestly 约瑟夫·普里斯特利

Kay Priestly 凯·普瑞斯利 ; 斯特利

Priestly Book 祭司文献

High Priestly Prayer 大祭司祷告

The Priestly Office Defined 祭司职分的定义

priestly dimensions 教士准则

Priestly Documents 祭司文本[1]

Traditionally, the Brahmins, or the priestly class, are set at the top of the social pyramid. 传统上,婆罗门或僧侣阶层位于社会金字塔的顶层。

The Priestly source, likewise, contains many, many older traditions but reached its full and final form in the exilic or post-exilic period. 同样,牧师来源中包含了许多古老的传统,但在流放或流放后时期达到了完整和最终的形式。

In the 2006 film version of The Devil Wears Prada, Miranda Priestly, played by Meryl Streep, scolds her unattractive assistant for imagining that high fashion doesn't affect her. 在2006年的电影版《穿普拉达的女王》中,由梅利·斯特里普扮演的米兰达·普里斯特利训斥了她那位相貌平平的助理,因为这位助理认为,高级时装对自己的影响不大。

Pray for priestly vocations. 为日本教会祈祷!

Priestly robes hang on the walls. 教士袍挂在墙上。

Tell her that it's for Miranda Priestly. 告诉他是米兰达要的。

Mr. Priestly promised his students a holiday. 我要你答应我一件事。

So the Priestly texts couldn't be clearer: blood represents life. 有关祭司的文章中已经说得很明白了:血液代表生命。

This was so because there were no great priestly schools in Greece. 所以如此,是因为当时在希腊没有宏大的僧侣经院。

It's for Miranda Priestly, and I know that she's a client of yours. 这是为米兰达啊他可是你们重要的客户喔。

In church, they preach, wear their priestly vestments or conduct Mass. 他们在教堂里,传道、穿牧师的制服、或望弥撒。

He shaved his head, wore a priestly robe and carried a pilgrim's staff. 他剃了头,穿上僧袍,拄着香客用的拐杖。

In the Priestly view, only God is intrinsically holy; intrinsically holy. 在祭司的眼里,只有上帝是本质上神圣的,本质上神圣。

Therefore, let them find satisfaction in what contributes to priestly modesty; 因此,让他们找到满意的是什么有助于祭司谦虚;

Kings were not permitted to function in a priestly role in offering sacrifices. 因为在当时王并没有被允许可以承接祭司的职分来献祭。

Instead, the Vatican's handling of priestly child abuse has damaged its moral authority. 反倒是梵蒂冈对教士虐童行为的处理损害了它的道德权威。

Traditionally, the Brahmins, or the priestly class, are set at the top of the social pyramid . 传统上,婆罗门,或称僧侣阶级,处于社会金字塔的顶端。

Every male of the priestly race, shall eat this flesh in a holy place, because it is most holy. 至于祭肉,司祭家中,凡是男人都可以吃,应在圣处吃:这是至圣之物。

And it is apparent in that scholarship's negative assessment of the Priestly source of the Bible. 在学者的负面评价中也很明显,对牧师来源的负面评价。

This cult and its various rites were later extended and given a definite order by the priestly class of the Magi. 这种祭仪和它的各种礼拜式后来被称为“东方三博士”的祭司阶层扩展和给予了明确的次序。

And because of these common themes, we say that they were produced by a Priestly School: we hypothesize a Priestly School. 由于它们拥有共同的主题,我们称它们都是出自于同一个祭司学派:,这学派是我们假设出来的。

So it is very hard to understand p's silence in this regard, if it stems entirely from the post-exilic, priestly circles. 很难理解P资源在这一方面的缄默,如果它来源于流放后时期,牧师圈子。

Now, in a measure of how much the world has changed the character most men mention as their favorite is, Miranda Priestly. 现在男人们喜欢的角色发生了质的变化,从这一点上就能看出世界的瞬息万变,现在他们更倾向于米兰达。[1]

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