英 [ˌsedɪˈmentri] 美 [ˌsedɪˈmentri]

adj. 由沉淀物形成的,沉积而成的[1]

sedimentary rock [地]沉积岩;水成岩

sedimentary sequence 沉积层序

sedimentary strata 沉积岩

sedimentary basin 沉积盆地 ; 沈积盆地

Sedimentary basins 沉积盆地 ; 堆积盆地 ; 沉积岩盆地

sedimentary cycle [地质] 沉积旋回 ; 沉积循环 ; 沉积型循环 ; 沈积循环

sedimentary facies [地质] 沉积相 ; 沈积相 ; 淤积相 ; 标签

sedimentary petrology [岩] 沉积岩石学 ; 第三篇

sedimentary structure [地质] 沉积构造 ; 沉积结构 ; 沈积构造 ; 专业资料

sedimentary deposit 沉积矿床 ; 成层沉积 ; 沉积物

sedimentary cover 沉积盖层 ; 沉积覆盖层

sedimentary petrography [岩] 沉积岩石学 ; 沉积岩类学 ; 沉积岩岩相类学 ; 沉积岩相学[1]

Because they are porous, sedimentary rocks, such as sandstones and conglomerates, are important potential sources of groundwater. 由于像如砂岩和砾岩这样的沉积岩是多孔的,它们是地下水的重要潜在来源。

Although most fossils are found in marine sedimentary rocks, they also are found in terrestrial deposits left by streams and lakes. 虽然大多数化石是在海洋沉积岩中发现的,但它们也存在于河流和湖泊所留下的陆地沉积物中。

In this process, sedimentary rocks that originally formed on the seabed may be folded upwards to altitudes of more than 26,000 feet. 在这个过程中,最初形成于海床上的沉积岩可能会向上折叠到26000英尺以上的高度。

Attempts were made to calculate Earth's age from the thickness of surviving sedimentary rock and from the current level of the oceans' salinity. 人们曾试图根据现存沉积岩的厚度和目前海洋的盐度水平来计算地球的年龄。

It is a global record: there is remarkably little variation in isotope ratios in sedimentary specimens taken from different continental locations. 这是一个全球性的记录:在取自不同大陆位置的沉积标本中,同位素比率的变化非常小。

Because of these advantages, sedimentary evidence can be dated with sufficient accuracy by radiometric methods to establish a precise chronology of the ice ages. 由于这些优点,可以通过辐射测量方法以足够确定沉积证据的年代,从而建立一个精确的冰河时代年表。

Sedimentary rocks—the most common rock type near the surface—are also the most common reservoirs for water because they contain the most space that can be filled with water. 沉积岩——地表附近最常见的岩石类型——也是最常见的储水层,因为它们可以装水的空间最多。

The sedimentary systems were divided according to the characteristics in rock types, color and authigene. 根据岩石类型、颜色、自生矿物等特征,对沉积体系进行划分。

The sedimentary rocks are graywacke, siltstone, tuff andpellitie, etc. 沉积岩有杂砂岩、粉砂岩、凝灰岩、泥质岩等。

Concepts of sedimentary rock. 沉积岩的一般概念。

Classification of sedimentary rocks. 沉积岩的分类。

Are there any further divisions for sedimentary rocks? 对于沉积岩还有进一步的划分吗?

The grain-size characteristics reflect the sedimentary environment. 沉积物的粒度特征反映了沉积环境。

The sedimentary members are largely turbidites of greywacke facies. 沉积岩的组成大部分为杂砂岩相的浊积岩。

Texture of sedimentary rock: clastic texture and nonclastic texture. 沉积岩的结构:碎屑结构和非碎屑结构。

Sedimentary rocks are thus tagged by the fossils which they contain. 沉积岩就这样以它们所含的化石作为鉴别的标记。

Key points: texture, structure and classification of sedimentary rocks. 重点:沉积岩的结构、构造和分类。

Sedimentary rocks such as sandstone also testify to the quicker days of yore. 诸如砂岩这样的水成岩同样表明:昔日更短。

Aim To analyze Tertiary period sedimentary environment of Qaidamu saline lake. 目的分析柴达木盆地第三纪盐湖的沉积环境。

Sedimentary speed: unit time parts deposition on the surface of the metal thickness. 沉积速度:单位时间内零件表面沉积出金属的厚度。

In many sedimentary basins the salinity of the formation water increases with depth or compaction. 在许多沉积盆地中,地层水的含盐量随深度或压实作用而增高。

They are sedimentary rocks, rocks which were laid down by the action of water on the bed of the ocean. 它们是水成岩,是由海水作用沉至海底的。

Zhashan area is a slurry sedimentary basin, it's remote annular structure is main pattern of mineral region. 柞山地区为一泥盆纪热水沉积盆地,其遥感环形构造是矿化集中区的基本格局。

My inspiration comes from many diverse sources. I like to describe inspiration in terms of layers, like sedimentary rock. 我的灵感来源于很多方面的事物。我喜欢按层(例如:沉积岩)描述灵感。[1]

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