N any of several enzymes that hydrolyse starch and glycogen to simple sugars, such as glucose. They are present in saliva 淀粉酶[1]
salivary amylase[生化] 唾液淀粉酶 ; 唾液淀粉 ; 涎腺型淀粉酶 ; 的老名词
animal amylase 动物淀粉酶
liquefying amylase 液化淀粉酶
amylase isoenzyme 淀粉酶同工酶 ; 淀粉酶同功酶 ; 详细翻译
rat Amylase 大鼠淀粉酶
Pencreatic amylase 胰淀粉酶
amylase clearance 淀粉酶廓清率 ; 淀粉酶清除率
plasma amylase 血浆amy活性[1]