defecation reflex[生理] 排便反射 ; 排粪反射
defecation syncope 排粪性晕厥 ; 排粪性昏厥 ; 性晕厥
Defecation function 排便功能
progressive defecation 逐步澄清 ; 翻译
fractional defecation 分级澄清
chemical defecation 翻译 ; 化学澄清法
inhibited defecation 大便不畅
difficult defecation 大便难 ; 排便困难
foul defecation 大便恶臭[1]
The drug's side effects can include involuntary defecation.此药物的副作用可能包括无意识的排便。
It is highly probable that dinosaurs had a cloaca-as do most birds and reptiles-which is a single opening for urination, defecation, and reproduction.就像大多数鸟类和爬行动物一样,恐龙的体内很可能有一个泄殖腔,这是一个既可排便排尿,也具有生殖功能的开口。
That may sound like a bunch of Internet quackery, but there's now some empirical evidence for the claim that defecation posture affects your body.那听起来有点像一类网络骗术,但现在有一些经验证明排便的姿势确实影响你的身体。[1]