1. 使移动,搬动;开动
2. 使感动[(+to)]
3. 推动,促使[O2]
4. (在会上)提议,动议[+that]
5. 脱售,租掉
6. 使(肠子)通便
7. (下棋)走(一子)
1. 移动;离开;前进
2. (事情等)进展
3. 迁移;搬家[(+in/into/out/away)]
4. (下棋)走一子[Q]
5. 提议;请求[(+for)]
6. 采取行动;行动[(+on)][+to-v]
7. (商品等)脱手,销售
8. 周旋于[Q][(+in/among)]
9. (肠子)通便
1. 动,移动[S]
2. 迁移,移居
3. 棋子的一步棋;棋子的走法
4. 措施,对策[+to-v]
1. move 搬,移动
英解:to (cause to) pass from one position to another
A: We need more space for the fridge. 我们需要更多的空间来放冰箱。
B: Right. Let's move this chair to the living room. 没错,那我们把这张椅子搬到客厅吧。
2. move 搬迁
英解:to (cause to) change the place where one lives or does business
A: I'm moving to Taichung because teahouses are more popular there.
B: Good luck then. I hope you make a fortune.
3. move 感动 英解:to affect with tender emotion or feeling A: Did he send you any flowers or chocolates?
B: No. But he wrote a lot of moving letters.