1. 使移动,搬动;开动

2. 使感动[(+to)]

3. 推动,促使[O2]

4. (在会上)提议,动议[+that]

5. 脱售,租掉

6. 使(肠子)通便

7. (下棋)走(一子)

1. 移动;离开;前进

2. (事情等)进展

3. 迁移;搬家[(+in/into/out/away)]

4. (下棋)走一子[Q]

5. 提议;请求[(+for)]

6. 采取行动;行动[(+on)][+to-v]

7. (商品等)脱手,销售

8. 周旋于[Q][(+in/among)]

9. (肠子)通便


1. 动,移动[S]

2. 迁移,移居

3. 棋子的一步棋;棋子的走法

4. 措施,对策[+to-v]

1. move 搬,移动

英解:to (cause to) pass from one position to another

A: We need more space for the fridge. 我们需要更多的空间来放冰箱。

B: Right. Let's move this chair to the living room. 没错,那我们把这张椅子搬到客厅吧。

2. move 搬迁

英解:to (cause to) change the place where one lives or does business

A: I'm moving to Taichung because teahouses are more popular there.


B: Good luck then. I hope you make a fortune.


3. move 感动 英解:to affect with tender emotion or feeling A: Did he send you any flowers or chocolates?


B: No. But he wrote a lot of moving letters.


刚刚查询:movements areolatus Branislav ultrapure Trainning tchernovi community Maccarthy exclusion Project mordant Daphnia customs Takhtajan R.coccine flotation Ricciotto Frederick tiffany hypertext Crafter Lilypad eugametos Cachectin Mannose unofficial Basketball Dimethyl pleasant Moniliales PowerPoint Gymnastike Tiberias Diseases Soundtrack Original Hounsfield callirhoe Somerset interval 列雾卡 皮埃尔费朗 突破口 kir Sol-fa TRMS OADM kinesis PAS2060 Roar! Z-score Denizon Larsson imaging Nicolas Ghostly Mission private EASY FM Integer Massimo fervour Glasgow TXVPN Cassell siliqua Kamptal In-Head members E-Stars Dunhill tropical dalaica digital Fantasy Joachim Crohn absolute sulfonyl
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