Proxima /ˈprɒksɪmə/
1.N a flare star in the constellation Centaurus that is the nearest star to the sun. It is a red dwarf of very low magnitude. Distance: 4.3 light years 人马座比邻星 (Also called Proxima Centauri) → see also Rigil Kent[1]
Michellen Proxima 米歇尔比邻
causa proxima 近因 ; 翻译
Lethe proxima 比目黛眼蝶
Proxima Cen 比邻星
Hawin Proxima 投美
Pokémon Proxima 精灵宝可梦比邻星
proxima luce 前一天
ASK Proxima 宝施玛 ; 美投神 ; 美投神宝施玛 ; 投影机
proxima cause 近因近因[1]