整体布局合理,功能齐全。全院共有204张床位供老年人居住。根据老年人生活、娱乐、康复的需要,院内设有医疗室、康复室、多功能厅等。室外有庭院式花园、亭台楼榭、荷花碧池、风景宜人。 上海市普陀区社会福利院

该院不仅有好的硬件设施,还有一支医疗技术好、临床经验丰富、训练有素、服务规范的医疗队伍,还配有厨师、点心师,为老年人的生活、康复提供良好的保健护理服务。 普陀区社会福利院自1979年建院以来,以好的设施、管理、服务为建院宗旨。树立全心全意为老人服务,实行规范服务和管理。多年来,曾荣获上海市一级福利院、市民政系统优秀福利事业单位、市开拓老年事业先进集体、区文明单位等称号。 该院还与国内外朋友进行广泛的交流。近年来接待来自美国、加拿大、日本、西欧、东南亚以及港澳台同胞上千人次,促进了该院老年福利事业的蓬勃发展。



Located at Zhaoyang Road,  Shanghai Putuo Social Welfare Institution is next to the famous Changfeng Park around which there is a good environment. This institution consists of old people's flats, medical service area and multi-function hall. It boasts of living, entertainment and medical treatment. There are 204 beds for the aged. Clinic, rehabilitation room and recreation room are provided to the residents. You can also find house garden, pavilions and a lotus pool around the building.

It has not only advanced apparatuses, but also qualified  experienced and kind-hearted medical professionals. Skilful cooks are employed to provide service to the old. Since 1979 the institution was set up, it has stuck to the best apparatuses, the best management and the best service as our principle.  it has been awarded many honorable titles:  Shanghai First Class Institution,  Shanghai Excellent Welfare  Unit and Model Unit of Civilization. This institution often exchange experience with foreign counterparts.  Visitors from the States, Canada, Japan, West Europe and Southeast Asia have visited it. It has also hosted compatriots from HongKong, Macao and Taiwan for hundreds of times.

相关查询: 老年人 多功能 庭院式 亭台楼榭 上海市 普陀区 社会福利 function page.initImgBorder window.page
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