英 [ˈɡrædʒuət; ˈɡrædʒuˌeɪt] 美 [ˈɡrædʒuət; ˈgrædʒuˌeɪt]

n. 大学毕业生,学士学位获得者;毕业生

v. 获得学位(尤指学士),大学毕业;毕业(尤指中学);授予(某人)学位(或毕业文凭等);(从……)进步到,升级到;按序列或规模安排;(在仪器或容器上)刻度,做标记;逐渐(或逐步)改变(某物,尤指颜色或色调)

adj. (课程、学业)研究生的

[ 复数 graduates 第三人称单数 graduates 现在分词 graduating 过去式 graduated 过去分词 graduated ][1]

graduate student 研究生;毕业生

graduate school 研究所,研究院

graduate from 从…毕业

college graduate 大学毕业生;大专以上学历

graduate in 毕业于...学科

fresh graduate 刚毕业的大学生

graduate from college 大学毕业

graduate study 研究生学习

graduate program 研究所课程

post graduate 研究生

graduate diploma 硕士文凭;研究生文凭

graduate certificate 研究生证书,硕士证书;毕业证书[1]

After all his hard work, he now needs only two credit hours to graduate. 通过努力学习,他现在只需再修两个学分就可以毕业了。

The Voyager workload is divided among 157 scientists and scads of graduate students. 航行者的工作量被分给157位科学家和大批研究生。

Fifty-nine percent of its residents have attended graduate school – quadruple the national average. 该地区59%的居民读过研究生–是全国平均水平的4倍。

It's for a graduate class. 这是为研究生安排的。

Graduate tuition differs by program. 研究生的学费因课程而异。

He needs three more credits to graduate. 他需要再修3个学分才能毕业。

Are you going to graduate after this term? 你将要在这学期后毕业是吗?

What does it take to graduate from university? 怎样才能从大学毕业?

I will graduate from Peking University this July. 我今年七月将从北京大学毕业。

She was the first deaf and blind university graduate. 她是第一位又聋又盲的大学毕业生。

Now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you. 现在,你们即将毕业,重新起航,我也这样祝愿你们。

Some graduate students from this department tutor there. 这个系的一些研究生在那里当导师。

That's why I want to focus on marketing in graduate school. 这就是为什么我想在研究生阶段专注于市场营销。

I want to do advanced study in oceanography when I graduate. 我想在毕业后继续在海洋学领域深造。

And now, as you graduate to begin anew, I wish that for you. 现在,你们即将毕业,重新起航,我也这样祝愿你们。

I'm enrolled in a graduate programme in public administration. 我正在攻读公共管理专业的研究生课程。

Now I am not sure I will be qualified to graduate next semester. 现在我不确定我是否有资格在下学期毕业。

He's still going to lead a graduate seminar each semester though. 不过他还是会在每个学期主持一次研究生研讨会。

I am Wang Ge, a graduate of engineering from Princeton University. 我是王戈,普林斯顿大学工程学的毕业生。

Can I ask you a few questions about your work in graduate recruitment? 我能问你几个关于你在毕业生招聘工作中的问题吗?

When people graduate from college, it's time for them to fly the nest. 人们大学毕业后就到了自立门户的时候。

Since Simon will graduate this May, the school paper needs a new editor. 由于西蒙将于这个五月毕业,校报需要一位新编辑。

Stacy, your email implied that you needed my advice about graduate school. 史黛西,你的邮件暗示了你需要我在研究生院方面的建议。

If you're a graduate teaching assistant, your adviser also maybe your boss. 如果你是一名研究生助教,你的导师可能也是你的老板。

Twelve percent of them were international students, mostly graduate students. 他们之中12%是国际学生,大部分是研究生。

Suppose that Jerry marries Jeannette who is a college graduate and is working. 假设杰瑞和珍妮特结婚了,后者是大学毕业生,还有工作。

Suppose that Jerry marries Jeannette, who is a college graduate and is working. 假设杰瑞和珍妮特结婚了,珍妮特是一名大学毕业生,正在工作。

Etzioni expressed his frustration about the interests of his graduate students. Etzioni表达了他的研究生们的兴趣所在带给他的失望。

Being a graduate from Harvard Law School carries that extra glamour, doesn't it? 哈佛法学院的毕业生格外有魅力,不是吗?

You've got to have a good GPA to get into graduate school. 你若是想念研究所就得有优异的在校平均分数。[1]

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