
Lymphoid leukemia 淋巴样白血病 ; 淋巴性白血病 ; 淋巴白血病 ; 淋巴系白血病

Bovine leukemia 牛白血病

leukemia nephropathy 白血病可引起肾脏损害

leukemia cell 白血病细胞

biphenotypic leukemia 型白血病 ; 双表型白血病

meningitic leukemia 脑膜炎型白血病

leukemia al 白血病

recombinant Leukemia 重组白血病

leukemia a 白血病 ; 造血细胞[1]

Children are children, whether they have leukemia or not.


Symptoms however may vary from one person to another and they also depend on what type of leukemia the patient has.


There are some we think may contribute, but as you know, we give a lot of different medications, particularly in children with leukemia.


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