英 [ˈʌpraɪt] 美 [ˈʌpraɪt]
adj. (人)直立的,挺直的;直立的,垂直的,立式的;正直的,诚实的;(椅子)直靠背的,没有扶手的
adv. 笔直地,直立地,垂直地;平稳地
n. (起支撑作用的)直柱,立柱,直立部分;球门柱;立式钢琴
[ 复数 uprights 第三人称单数 uprights 现在分词 uprighting 过去式 uprighted 过去分词 uprighted 比较级 more upright 最高级 most upright ][1]
upright /ˈʌpˌraɪt/ CET4 TEM4
1.ADJ If you are sitting or standing upright, you are sitting or standing with your back straight, rather than bending or lying down. 笔直的
2.ADJ An upright vacuum cleaner or freezer is tall rather than wide. 立式的 (吸尘器或冰箱) [ADJ n]
3.ADJ An upright chair has a straight back and no arms. 有靠背无扶手的 (椅子)
4.N-COUNT You can refer to vertical posts or the vertical parts of an object as uprights. 立柱
5.ADJ You can describe people as upright when they are careful to follow acceptable rules of behaviour and behave in a moral way. 正直的[1]
upright position 正浮位置;直坐式
upright post 立柱
an upright man 正直的人
Keep Upright [交] [包装] 勿倒置 ; 请勿倒置 ; 切勿倒置 ; [交] 竖放
upright protctors 护脚
Vertical upright 直挂格
Upright Diamond 立菱形 ; 直立菱形 ; 菱形
honest and upright 清廉 ; 刚直 ; 正直 ; 品行方正