absolute表示不受限制的(14世纪后期);也表示“与其他事物无关的”(15世纪中期),其源自拉丁语absolutus(absolvere的过去分词,表示“释放,宣告无罪;完成,结束等);(参见ab-) + solvere“松开,解开,释放,分离”源自PIE *se-lu-,源自反义代词*s(w)e-(参见习语)+ root *leu-“松开,分开,切断”。[2] Absolute单词起源


ADJ Absolute means total and complete. 完全的例:It's not really suited to absolute beginners.这对于纯粹的初学者们不太适合。

2. ADJ You use absolute to emphasize something that you are saying. 绝对的 [ADJ n] [强调]例:About 12 inches wide is the absolute minimum you should consider.12英寸左右的宽度是你应该考虑的绝对最小尺寸。

3. ADJ An absolute ruler has complete power and authority over his or her country. 独裁的 [ADJ n]例:He ruled with absolute power.他实行独裁统治。

4. ADJ Absolute is used to say that something is definite and will not change even if circumstances change. 确凿的例:John brought the absolute proof that we needed.约翰拿出了我们需要的确凿证据。

5. ADJ An amount that is expressed in absolute terms is expressed as a fixed amount rather than referring to variable factors such as what you earn or the effects of inflation. 绝对的 [ADJ n]例:In absolute terms their wages remain low by national standards.他们工资的绝对值根据国家标准仍然是低的。

6. ADJ Absolute rules and principles are believed to be true, right, or relevant in all situations. 绝对的例:There are no absolute rules.没有绝对的准则。

7. N-COUNT An absolute is a rule or principle that is believed to be true, right, or relevant in all situations. 绝对原则例:This is one of the few absolutes in U.S. constitutional law.这是美国宪法中少有的几项绝对原则之一。[1]

相关查询: absolute 不受限制 拉丁语 absolutus absolvere 过去分词 宣告无罪 solvere
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