英 [nɒnlɪnɪˈærɪti] 美 [nɑːnlɪniˈærəti]
n. [数] 非线性;非线性特征[1]
single value nonlinearity [自] 单值非线性
inherent nonlinearity [自] 固有非线性 ; 先天非线性 ; 本来就有非线性
Material nonlinearity 材料非线性 ; 质料非线性
saturation nonlinearity [数] 饱和非线性
combined nonlinearity 复合非线性
quadratic nonlinearity 二次非线性
local nonlinearity 局部非线性
Luminance Nonlinearity 亮度非线性[1]
The nonlinearity stems only from shear. 非线性来自剪切变形。
The forms of nonlinearity mode of thinking. 非线性思维方式的表现形式。
The measures solving nonlinearity is put forward. 提出了解决非线性的相应措施。
This is mainly because of geometric nonlinearity. 这主要是由于几何非线性所致。
The changing curves are characteristic of nonlinearity. 变化曲线均具有非线性特征。
The sensor's nonlinearity is a general problem to be solved. 传感器的非线性是一较普遍的问题。
Nonlinearity is a very fascinating phenomenon in the nature. 非线性是自然界中最有趣的现象之一。
It has strong geometric nonlinearity as well as the suspension bridge. 与正式悬索桥一样具有强烈的几何非线性。
All these features determine the nonlinearity of phonological structure. 这些特征决定了音系结构是非线性的。
Two axes scanning mirror is a system With complex nonlinearity and strong coupling. 两轴扫描镜是一个具有复杂非线性的强耦合系统。
The acoustic nonlinearity parameter is an important parameter in nonlinear acoustics. 非线性声参量是非线性声学的一个重要参量。
It increases the nonlinearity effectively while holding the resiliency of the Boolean function. 该方法在保持布尔函数弹性的同时能有效提高非线性度。
The motion of ship is nonlinear. The operating machine has nonlinearity such as dead zone and relay. 船舶运动呈非线性,操作机构有明显的死区、继电等非线性;
The degree of nonlinearity is a important parameter to the static characteristic of a device (system). 非线性度是表征装置(系统)静态特性的重要参数。
We are facing the challenge of exploration and management about complexity and nonlinearity in the world. 对世界中的复杂性和非线性的探究和管理,是我们共同面临的挑战。
By using an incremental approach, the problems involving material or geometric nonlinearity have been solved. 借应用一种增量方法,已经解决了包括材料的或几何的非线性问题。
The research indicates that nonlinearity has a very important effect on the dynamical behavior of MEMS system. 初步研究表明:非线性对微机械电子系统动力学行为有着严重的重要的影响。
This paper suggests a finite element analysis method of the multilayer pavement with materials of nonlinearity. 本文提出了一个考虑材料非线性的多层路面应力分析的有限单元法。
Boiler superheated steam temperature is a typical object with large delay, inertia, time-varying and nonlinearity. 火电厂锅炉过热蒸汽温度是一类典型的大迟延、大惯性、时变、非线性控制对象。
Therefore constructions of permutation with high degree and high nonlinearity have become an important study problem. 因此构造出高次、非线性度高的置换是一个重要的研究问题。
The relationship between nonlinearity and correlation immunity of memoryless combining function is addressed in this paper. 本文探讨了无记忆组合函数的非线性与相关免疫性之间的关系。
Therefore constructions of Boolean permutation with high degree and high nonlinearity have become an important study problem. 因此构造出高次、非线性度高的布尔置换是一个重要的研究问题。
Arched corrugated metal roof exhibits strong geometrical nonlinearity when loaded, which has often been ignored in structural design. 金属拱形波纹屋盖结构在力学性能上具有很强的几何非线性,结构设计必须考虑几何非线性的影响。
Optimization of forming process is a very difficult problem due to high nonlinearity and huge computational cost of numerical simulations. 这主要是由于塑性成形数值模拟的高度非线性和大计算量特征,使得成形过程优化变得非常困难。
The main ideas are as follows: 1) Nonequilibrium, nonlinearity and fluctuation are three essential elements of self-organization in systems. 主要观点如下:1)非平衡、非线性和涨落是系统自组织的三个基本要素。
Set up one time door limit prediction model of autoregression of array, study for nonlinearity of stock market this front field make new try a bit. 建立了一个时间序列的门限自回归的预测模型,为股票市场的非线性研究这一前沿领域作了一点新的尝试。
The double nonlinearity including both surface nonlinearity and constitutive nonlinearity will appear in elastoplastic contact problem with friction. 弹塑性接触问题属于一种表面非线性和材料非线性耦合的双非线性问题。
This method based on modified nodal approach is easy to set up the fault diagnosis equations and has lower degree of nonlinearity and regular Jacobi matrix form. 该法以电路的改进节点方程为基础,具有建立故障诊断方程容易,所建立的方程具有较低的非线性度及规则的雅可比矩阵的特点。[1]