根据《柯林斯英汉双解大词典 》:

N-COUNT A tranquilizer is a drug that makes people feel calmer or less anxious. Tranquilizers are sometimes used to make people or animals become sleepy or unconscious. 镇静剂[1]

Injection tranquilizer 镇静剂注射

sedative tranquilizer 镇静剂

major tranquilizer 强安定药 ; 重安神剂

Administration tranquilizer 镇静剂投药

strong tranquilizer 强镇静剂

Tranquilizer Dart 麻醉镖

horse tranquilizer 马安定剂

ataractic tranquilizer 安定剂

minor tranquilizer 弱安定剂 [1]

If a tranquilizer is prescribed, be sure your physician informs you of its possible side effects, such as addiction.


Pic.15 A tiger with a tranquilizer dart stuck in its back walks inside the Assam State Zoological cum Botanical Garden in Guwahati January 30, 2010.

图15 2010年1月30日,在高哈蒂的阿萨姆省动植物园,一只被麻醉镖扎中背部的老虎在走动。

State medical records indicate that large concentrations of the tranquilizer Valium and the sleep aid Restoril were in his system that night, among other prescription drugs.


相关查询: 柯林斯 大词典
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