unparalleled /ʌnˈpærəˌlɛld/ TEM8
1.ADJ If you describe something as unparalleled, you are emphasizing that it is, for example, bigger, better, or worse than anything else of its kind, or anything that has happened before. 无比的 [强调][1]
unparalleled short 无比短暂
Delicious unparalleled 美味无比
Silent unparalleled 无语伦比
Unparalleled enjoyment 无与伦比的享受
Indra unparalleled 帝释无双
unparalleled degree 前所未有的程度
unparalleled victory 空前的胜利
unparalleled feat 史无前例的壮举
unparalleled prosperous 空前繁荣的[1]