英 [kənˈsʌmpʃn] 美 [kənˈsʌmpʃn][1]

media consumption 媒体消费 ; 媒介消费 ; 新闻与传播理论丛书

inflated consumption 消费膨胀 ; 消耗膨胀 ; 花费膨胀

consumption abroad 境外消费 ; 国外消费 ; 即境外交付 ; 境外消耗[1]

1Energy consumption rises as countries industrialize.能源消耗随着各国工业化而增加。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

2Gas and oil consumption always increases in cold weather.燃气和燃油的消耗量在天冷时总会增加。《牛津词典》

3In the developing world cigarette consumption is increasing.在发展中国家香烟消费正在增长。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

4They drew up and executed a plan to reduce fuel consumption.他们制订并实施了一项降低燃料消耗的计划。《牛津词典》

5There has been a slight increase in the consumption of meat.肉类消费略微增加。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

6The laws have led to a reduction in fuel consumption in the U.S.这些法律已导致美国燃料消耗的降低。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

7The restructuring of the pattern of consumption also lagged behind.消费结构的调整也落后了。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

8Ethiopia has almost the lowest oil consumption per capita in the world.埃塞俄比亚有几乎是世界上最低的人均石油消费。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

9No amount of cleansing or mineral water consumption can guarantee a clear skin.再多的洁肤和矿泉水的消耗都不能确保光洁的皮肤。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

10It was an age of conspicuous consumption – those who had money liked to display it.那是一个炫耀性消费的时代—有钱人喜欢摆阔。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

11Consumption rather than saving has become the central feature of contemporary societies.现代社会的主要特征是消费而不是储蓄。《牛津词典》

12The threat of global warming will eventually force the U.S. to slow down its energy consumption.全球变暖的威胁将最终迫使美国减慢其能源消耗。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

13They were prepared to put people out of work and reduce consumption by strangling the whole economy.他们准备让人们失业、降低消费,由此来遏制整个经济。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

14What level of consumption can the earth support?地球能维持什么样的消费水平?

15It is thought to be related to food consumption.它被认为与食物消费有关。

16What often goes unnoticed in surveys on food consumption?在食品消费调查中,人们经常忽视什么?

17Cultural rules determine every aspect of food consumption.文化规则决定了食品消费的各个方面。

18Calorie consumption had fallen drastically over the decades.几十年来,卡路里消耗量急剧下降。

19Calorie consumption is linked to the amount of snacks one eats.卡路里的消耗与零食的摄入量有关。

20Consumption patterns and reproduction patterns are contradictory.消费模式和再生产模式是矛盾的。

21What do we learn from the passage about food consumption in India?关于印度的食物消费,我们从这篇文章中了解到了什么?

22Many people condemn advertisements as the root of over-consumption.许多人指责广告是人们过度消费的根源。

23The book has described the problems of excessive energy consumption.这本书描述了能源过度消耗的问题。

24Much of the consumption has nothing to do with conscious activities.很多消费与有意识的活动无关。

25The national statistics did not reflect the actual calorie consumption.国家统计数据并未反映实际的卡路里消耗量。

26Ironically, high consumption may be a mixed blessing in human terms, too.具有讽刺意味的是,从人类的角度来看,高消费也可能是喜忧参半。

27By the mid-18th century, fireworks were being sold for private consumption.到了18世纪中期,烟花已经可以供个人消费了。

28Regional custom dictates the preparation and consumption of traditional favorites.地方习俗规定了传统的最爱的准备和消费。

29Keeping a record of everything we spend can help us better manage our consumption.记录所有的花销能帮我们更好地管理我们的消费。

30From 1973 to 1976, total United States consumption of cigarettes increased 3.4 percent.从1973年到1976年,美国的香烟总消费量增加了3.4%。

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