英 [ˌflʌktʃuˈeɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [ˌflʌktʃuˈeɪʃn]

n. 波动,起伏

[ 复数 fluctuations ][1]

economic fluctuation 经济波动

price fluctuation [经]价格起伏,物价波动

voltage fluctuation 电压波动;电压升降

temperature fluctuation 温度波动;温度涨落

market fluctuation 市场波动;市价涨落

speed fluctuation 速度波动;速率变动;速度忽高忽低

fluctuation range 波动幅度

current fluctuation 电流起伏,电流波动;日常波动

fluctuation velocity 脉动速度,波动速度;变动速度

cyclical fluctuation 循环变动,周期性波动

turbulent fluctuation 紊流脉动;紊动[1]

Changes in climate before that period caused severe fluctuation in sea level, resulting in the extinction of the dinosaurs. 在此之前,气候的变化导致了海平面的剧烈波动,恐龙因此灭绝。

Changes in climate before the Cretaceous period caused severe fluctuation in sea level, resulting in the extinction of the dinosaurs. 白垩纪以前的气候变化导致了海平面的剧烈波动,引发了恐龙的灭绝。

Since potential markets for the minority businesses already exist through the sponsoring companies, the minority businesses face considerably less risk in terms of location and market fluctuation. 由于少数族裔企业的潜在市场已经通过赞助公司而存在,因此少数族裔企业面临的地理位置和市场波动风险要小得多。

The same fluctuation back and forth occurs in areas other than intelligence. 同样的上下波动也发生在智力以外的领域。

The erratic fluctuation of market prices is in consequence of unstable economy. 经济波动致使市场物价忽起忽落。

This could be a natural fluctuation. 这也可能是一种自然波动。

The Central Bank successfully curbed the economic fluctuation. 央行成功抑制了这样的经济波动。

In addition, that kind of fluctuation would lead to social instability. 此外,那样的波动会导致社会不稳定。

The 20% available CPU is maintained for expected utilization fluctuation. 留出20%的CPU以应对预期的利用率波动。

Fluctuation of the carrying capacity in turn affects the food supply per capita. 土地承载能力的波动转而影响食物的人均供给量。

It turns out we have several readings with a high fluctuation from their neighbors. 结果证明,我们有一些读数相对于其相邻点有大的波动。

It's deduced that the induced fluctuation does no good to the reproducing productivity. 据推断,诱导波动对复制生产率没有好处。

Less statistical fluctuation in response time produces a more consistent end user experience. 响应时间上较少的统计波动将产生更稳定的终端用户体验。

Though the fluctuation is not vast, it is enough to make a difference from peak to trough. 尽管波动不算太大,却足以令峰谷之间产生差异。

Selling the stock after the price rises and making money from prices fluctuation is speculative. 等股票涨价后卖掉,赚买卖的差价则是投机性的。

Once we have a function, it is much easier to filter on different data sets and fluctuation thresholds. 一旦我们拥有了一个函数,对不同的数据集和波动临界点进行过滤就简单多了。

They regulate the surplus and deficiency in time, and smooth out the price fluctuation, which contributes to society. 他们在时间上调剂了余缺,平滑了价格的波动,对社会有贡献。

The present price fluctuation in the world market have necessitate the adjustment of price for bitter apricot kernel. 目前世界市场的价格波动使得苦杏仁的价格必须调整。

Specifically, a single point anomaly will be marked by a sudden fluctuation in temperature on each side of a data point. 具体讲,一个单点异常将由数据点每一侧温度的突然波动标识出来。

It could be that there was a minor power fluctuation when you turn your computer on or while you were using the computer. 打开计算机或正在使用计算机的时候,都可能有很小的电源电压波动。

Once you average over that many individual molecules, you find that there's very, very little fluctuation in the energy. 一旦你对许多单独的分子取平均,你会发现,涨落非常,非常小。

They say uneven growth, due to the fluctuation in the amount eaten per day, is responsible for the increase in the risk of sudden death. 他们说,由于每天食量的波动而导致的不规则的生长,是使突然死亡的危险上升的原因。

It's the first study to trace the fluctuation of a natural (not human-caused) aerosol around the globe over the course of a century. 这是第一个试图勘测整个世纪地球表面自然(非人造)环境中悬浮颗粒的研究。

One of the most important of these is a fluctuation in the density of electrons and other electrically-charged particles in the ionosphere. 最重要的一点是在电离层的电子和其他带电粒子的密度是波动的。

She also finds considerable price fluctuation in the late nineteenth century, before the steady upward climb of the early twentieth century. 她也发现了19世纪晚期(即在20世纪初期价格稳步攀升之前)值得注意的价格波动。

The five stages of weight fluctuation, which can vary over around two stone, emerged in a study of 3,000 women by UK weight management firm. 研究显示,女性的体重在这5个阶段会上下波动约28磅。该研究由英国“体重管理”公司开展,共有3000名女性参加。[1]

刚刚查询:fluctuation 地质年代 Gotmann 电容器 79.08513 所有者 技术合作 守备部队 庄胜城 奥兰多 胡作非为 发射台 放浪形骸 免疫力 副所长 得出结论 新名词 动态线 家庭生活 各路人马 吴柯 童话故事 酒轩辕 城后寿 葡萄根瘤蚜 红头美洲鹫 穿插在 公路桥 赤脚医生 地方居民 antique 佛寺 爱普生650FN 合成器 查明真相 系统管理 白唇鹿 房津辉 靳蕊霞 便利店 消灭异姓王 涉水而过 传统性 黄榦 亲子活动 中华民族 tympani 大靖城 内蒙古区级非物质文化遗产名录 冉毅 水力资源 违法者 最内部 羊角椒 中央政府 吉水县 习惯于 白种人 赵汉奇 OddHours 炎黄子孙 世界各国 张冯喜 negative 一呼百应 明正典刑 cliffside 缝合线 中国市长杂志 建成区 受得了 小灌木 滨海县 同样是 地质队 盖玻片 矩业烽昙 郑健禺 经济增长率
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