
Rap battles I saw M C S goin' at it

Crews playin' new records I arrived and caused static

From frisco to oakland like bronx to manhattan

You know what's happenin' charizma style of rappin'

Hey yo B you know your man kwan that's 10 feet tall

He should drop the mic and pick up a basketball

Ah yes y'all mad love to my crew everyone's real cool

All we wanna do is to be in a record pool

Ah yes y'all this is my design to make my niggas rewind

Labels pull crimes it's time for me to resign

The style's deep even when we fall asleep

Dreamin' of the usual a rap beat

I got class with my math so remember this

If you're not down you're expelled off my premises

I come with bombs when the scene is loud and hectic

I'm clean cut and suave the dapper type man I got methods

I got methods I got methods

Rap so strong and rap so def

I got methods I got methods I got methods

Rap so strong and rap so def

I got methods I got methods I got methods

Rap so strong and rap so def

I got methods I got methods I got methods

Rap so strong and rap so def

I got you and your crew peepin me out and starin

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