Fujitsu Ltd 富士通 ; 富士通公司
Fujitsu Frontech 富士通先端科技 ; 富士通尖端科技 ; 富士通前沿科技公司 ; 旗下的富士通尖端科技
Fujitsu china 富士通中国 ; 富士通
FUJITSU Japan 富士通株式会社 ; 为富士通日本公司
FUJITSU GENERAL 富士通将军 ; 因此被富士通通用公司
FUJITSU Forum 东京国际论坛
Fujitsu Series 富士通系列
Fujitsu SH 富士通SH
Fujitsu America 富士通美国[1]
Apple ran into a snag with its U.S. application for the name, too, because Fujitsu already owned it.
Fujitsu took over another American firm, Amdal, to help it to make and sell machines compatible with IBM in the United States.
In recent months Hitachi, Toshiba and Fujitsu, among others, have shuffled their businesses in ways that were unthinkable before the downturn.