organized /ˈɔːɡəˌnaɪzd/
1.ADJ An organized activity or group involves a number of people doing something together in a structured way, rather than doing it by themselves. 有组织的 [ADJ n]
2.ADJ Someone who is organized plans their work and activities efficiently. 有条理的[1]
Organized Links 组织良好的链接
organized administration 组织管理 ; 有组织的管理
organized irresponsibility 有组织地不负责任 ; 组织化的不负责任 ; 被组织化了的不负责任
organized anarchy 有组织的无政府状态 ; 有组织的混乱
organized group 班子
organized forgetting 有组织忘却
Organized Mess 简约的办公桌 ; 创意书桌 ; 乱中有序
organized flow 有组织的流程[1]