"Peoples" was filmed entirely on location in Louisville, Kentucky, the hometown of writer / director Joseph Ardery and lead actor John Hensley. This film offers a glimpse of the self-destructive lifestyles of three childhood friends. "Peoples" is a late coming of age story and a searing drama of a forgotten corner of American life. After spending only one semester away at college, Oliver Anderson (John Hensley) is back in his hometown living with his wealthy and conservative parents. He is reunited with his best friends, Patrick (Joshua Harto) and Sorn (Billoah Greene), for one last summer of wild fun. Fueled by the desire to avoid responsibility at all costs, the trio has a simple set of priorities: get drunk, chase women, and cause trouble. As the weeks go by, this reckless routine quickly becomes self-destructive. A succession of dysfunctional relationships coupled with substance abuse and an identity crisis lead the gang to realize it's time to grow up.[2]

相关查询: Peoples entirely location Louisville Kentucky hometown director Hensley. glimpse self-destructive lifestyles childhood friends. searing forgotten American spending semester college Anderson Hensley wealthy conservative parents. reunited friends Patrick Billoah responsibility priorities trouble. reckless routine quickly becomes self-destructive. succession dysfunctional relationships coupled substance identity realize
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