英 [kənˈsɜːvətɪv] 美 [kənˈsɜːrvətɪv]

adj. 保守的;保守派的,保守主义的(认为政府应该实行政治保守主义);(衣着)守旧的,传统的;低估的;保守党的;不愿冒险的,谨慎的

n. 保守者,因循守旧者;保守党党员,保守党支持者

[ 复数 conservatives 比较级 more conservative 最高级 most conservative ][1]


conservative /kənˈsɜːvətɪv/ CET4 TEM4

1.ADJ Someone who is conservative has views that are toward the political right. In the U.S. the Republicans are more conservative than the Democrats, who are more liberal. 持政治右倾观点的

2.N-COUNT Conservative is also a noun. 右倾人士

3.ADJ Someone who is conservative or has conservative ideas is unwilling to accept changes and new ideas. (观点) 保守的

4.ADJ If someone dresses in a conservative way, their clothes are conventional in style. (衣着) 守旧的

5.conservatively ADV 保守地 [ADV with v]

6.ADJ A conservative estimate or guess is one in which you are cautious and estimate or guess a low amount which is probably less than the real amount. 保守的 (估计、猜测)

7.conservatively ADV 保守地 (估计、猜测) [ADV with v]

8.ADJ A Conservative politician or voter is a member of or votes for the Conservative Party in Britain and in various other countries. (英国等) 保守党的

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