英 [ˌspesɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [ˌspesɪfɪˈkeɪʃ(ə)n]

n. 规格,规范,明细单,说明书;明确说明,详述;(申请专利用的)发明物说明书

[ 复数 specifications ][1]

technical specification 技术规范;技术说明

product specification 产品规格;制品技术规格

design specification 设计规范;设计规格;设计任务书;设计细节

standard specification 标准规范

quality specification 质量标准;质量说明书

specification language 规范语言,规约语言

process specification 加工标准;工艺说明书

requirements specification 需求规格说明;要求说明

performance specification 性能说明;性能规格

material specification 材料规格;原材料明细表

test specification 测试规范

job specification 工作规范;工作要求

general specification 一般技术要求;总说明书;通用技术条件government specification(s)国定技术规范

detailed specification 详细说明

model specification 模型设定;模式定式

equipment specification 设备说明书

specification sheet 规格单;职责明细表

technological specification 技术规范

functional specification 功能规格

specification limit 技术说明规范;规格界限[1]

The office was furnished to a high specification. 办公室是按高规格装潢的。

They struggled to limit the cost by enforcing a low-tech specification. 他们通过强制执行一种低技术规范来竭力限制成本。

When all of this has been collected, it is possible to make a training specification. 当所有这些都被收集之后,就可以制定一个培训规范了。

By comparison, you would expect to find a technological specification like this on your standard laptop in an office anywhere in the world. 相比之下,你会期望在全球任何地方的办公室里,从自己的标准笔记本电脑上找到这样的技术规范。

I'd like to buy some land and have a house built to my specification. 我想买块地并按照我的要求建一座房子。

Michelle will also spin a customer's wool fleece to specification at a cost of $2.25 an ounce. 米歇尔也将以每盎司$2.25的价格按照顾客的要求为其纺羊毛呢。

This specification covers specially oven lamp. 本规格书专门适用于烤箱专用指示灯泡。

The DBTG specification proposed a language for manipulating the files. 数据库任务组规范提出了一种操作文件的语言。

This instrument demands stringent specification. 这台设备要求高标准。《新英汉大辞典》

The definition of social development under the perspective of operationism must move to the specification of quantity. 在操作主义视域下定义社会发展必须要转向具体的数量。

The type of menu specification. 菜单规范的类型。

The specification lacks detail. 说明书不够详细。

This file is your specification. 该文件就是您的规范。

IDL is a specification language. IDL是一种规范语言。

A behavioral specification. 行为规范。

It's like any other specification. 就像所有其他规范一样。

Environment specification document. 环境规范文档。

Service specification is complete. 完成服务规格说明。

See the specification for more details. 有关详细信息,请参见规范。

See the specification for more details. 更多相信信息请查阅查看规范。

The activation specification USES the topic. 激活规范使用该主题。

They aren't an implementation specification. 它们并不是实现规范。

Differing interpretations of the specification. 对规范的不同解释。

For specification information on, see Appendix B7. 有关的规范信息,请参阅附录B7。

For specification information on, see Appendix B1. 有关的规范信息,请参阅附录B1。

For specification information on, see Appendix B9. 有关的规范信息,请参阅附录B9。

For specification information on, see Appendix B4. 有关的规范信息,请参阅附录B4。

Left-click on the behavior execution specification. 在行为执行规格说明上左击。

Open the generated process migration specification. 打开生成的流程迁移规范。

For specification information on, see Appendix B11. 有关的规范信息,请参阅附录B11。[1]

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