英 [ˈθaʊz(ə)nd] 美 [ˈθaʊz(ə)nd]

num. (数字)一千;许许多多,数以千计;千位数

pron. 成千上万

[ 复数 thousands或thousand ][1]


thousand /ˈθaʊzənd/ CET4 TEM4

1.NUM A thousand or one thousand is the number 1,000. 1000

2.QUANT If you refer to thousands of things or people, you are emphasizing that there are very many of them. 成千上万 [QUANT 'of' pl-n] [强调]

3.PRON You can also use thousands as a pronoun. 成千上万

4.a thousand and one →see one[1]

ten thousand 一万

one thousand num. 一千

thousands upon thousands 成千上万

per thousand 每千

thousand island 千岛湖;千岛酱;千岛式

a thousand and one 一千零一;许许多多;无数的

forty thousand 四万

fourteen thousand 一万四

thousand island dressing n. 千岛汁;千岛酱;千岛沙拉酱[1]

Several thousand people marched on City Hall. 数千人涌往市政厅进行抗议。

She has a few thousand dollars put away for her retirement. 她为退休生活积攒了几千元钱。

The system produced enough energy to heat several thousand homes. 系统产生的能量足以给几千户人家供暖。

He was one of the few thousand committed Rastafarians in South Africa. 他是南非仅有的几千名虔诚的拉斯塔法里教徒之一。

A thousand people were there. 那里有一千人。

Fifty thousand people saw the match. 有五万人观看了那场比赛。

The car cost a cool thirty thousand. 那辆车花了整整三万。

How much is a thousand pounds in euros? 一千英镑合多少欧元?

The crowd numbered more than a thousand. 聚集的人群共计一千多人。

Thank you a thousand times, you're an angel. 千恩万谢了,你是个天使。

It cost somewhere around two thousand dollars. 买下来要花大约两千元。

The glass bowl smashed into a thousand pieces. 玻璃碗咣的一声摔了个粉碎。

A thousand kilometres separates the two cities. 两座城市相隔一千公里。

Thirty thousand spectators watched the final game. 3万观众观看了那场决赛。

Two thousand is a nice round number—put that down. 两千是个不错的整数—记下吧。

She gets as many as eight thousand letters a month. 她每月收到多达8千封信。

The ivory industry employed about a thousand carvers. 象牙工业雇佣了大约一千个雕刻工。

Seventy thousand tons of oil spilled from the tanker. 7万吨油从油轮漏出。

Twenty-five thousand turned out to be an overestimate. 25000这个数字被证实是过高的估计。

Two thousand grey seal pups are born there every autumn. 2000只灰色海豹幼仔每年秋天在那里出生。

Fewer than a thousand giant pandas still live in the wild. 不到1000只的大熊猫还处于野生状态。

He had nearly a thousand acres of grazing and arable land. 他拥有近千亩的牧场和可耕地。

I'm out ten thousand dollars, with nothing to show for it! 我缺1万美元,没啥可说的!

A thousand dollars is nothing to somebody as rich as he is. 一千英镑对于像他这么富有的人来说算不上什么。

Forty thousand children a day die from preventable diseases. 每天有四万儿童死于本可以防止的疾病。

Seventeen thousand Indians live in Arizona on a reservation. 17000名印第安人居住在亚利桑那州的保留地内。

"How much is he paying you?"—"Oh, five thousand."—"Not bad." “他付你多少工资?”—“哦,五千。”—“还不错。”

Their takings were fifteen to twenty thousand dollars a week. 他们的营业收入是每周1.5万至2万美元之间。

You're talking over a thousand dollars minimum for one course. 你们在讨论一门课程至少一千美元。

A thousand supporters packed into the stadium to cheer them on. 1000名支持者涌进体育场为他们加油。[1]

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