英 [ɪˈfɪʃ(ə)nsi] 美 [ɪˈfɪʃ(ə)nsi]

n. 效率,效能;(机器的)功率

[ 复数 efficiencies ][1]


efficiency /ɪˈfɪʃənsɪ/ CET4 TEM4

1.N-UNCOUNT Efficiency is the quality of being able to do a task successfully, without wasting time or energy. 效率[1]

high efficiency 高效率

production efficiency 生产效率

work efficiency 工作效率;劳动效率;加工效率

economic efficiency 经济效率

energy efficiency 能源效率;能量效率

improve efficiency 提高效率

removal efficiency 去除效率

thermal efficiency 热效率

conversion efficiency 换能效率

operating efficiency 营业效率,经营效率;工作效率

operational efficiency 经营效率;运作效率

transfer efficiency 转换效率;传输效率;合金过渡系数

increase efficiency 提高效率

current efficiency 电流效率

economical efficiency 经济效率,经济效果;经济有效

transmission efficiency 传输效率,通话效率

learning efficiency 学习效率

recovery efficiency 采收率;回收效率

computational efficiency 计算效率

displacement efficiency 驱替效率;置换效率;洗油效率[1]

She arranged everything with her customary efficiency. 她以她特有的高效率把一切都已安排妥当。

It was achieved with minimum fuss and maximum efficiency. 它以最少的慌乱和最高的效率被做到了。

Defrost the fridge regularly so that it works at maximum efficiency. 定期给冰箱除霜能取得最大效率。

Our administrator is a paragon of neatness, efficiency, and reliability. 我们的管理者是整洁、高效、真实可信的杰出典范。

Introduction of electronic point-of-sale systems is improving efficiency. 电子售货系统的引进提高了工作效率。

It didn't say much for their efficiency that the order arrived a week late. 订货晚到了一个星期,可见他们的效率难以恭维。

They admired the smoothness and efficiency with which the business was run. 他们钦佩这家公司协调高效的管理方式。

Administrative staff may be deskilled through increased automation and efficiency. 随着自动化程度和效率提高,行政人员可能不再需要专业技能。

There could be a serious loss of efficiency through unnecessary duplication of resources. 不必要的资源重复会导致严重的效率损耗。

There are many ways to increase agricultural efficiency in the poorer areas of the world. 有许多提高世界较贫困地区农业效能的方法。

It can improve shopping efficiency. 它可以提高购物效率。

It will sharply decrease work efficiency. 这会大幅降低工作效率。

Promote efficiency and increase food variety. 提升效率和增加食物种类。

I really admire the efficiency of your secretaries. 我真佩服你们秘书的办事效率。

There is a big boost in employees' work efficiency. 员工的工作效率大大提高了。

It places more emphasis on work efficiency than on workers' lives. 它更注重工作效率,而不是工人的生命。

No wonder efficiency has moved to the top of the political agenda. 难怪效率已被提到政治议程的首位。

They partner with technology companies to enhance teaching efficiency. 他们与科技公司合作以提高教学效率。

Greater efficiency inevitably means fewer people can do the same work. 更高的效率不可避免地意味着更少的人可以做同样的工作。

The director dusted his staff down about the drop in their efficiency. 主任因工作效率下降而训斥员工。

Relax is not a waste of time for it can improve your study efficiency. 休息放松并不是浪费时间,因为它可以提高你的学习效率。

Commercial efficiency, in turn, had put temptations in the way of buyers. 商业效率反过来又给买家带来了诱惑。

Efficiency experts seem to spend all their time on Weibo's fiscal revenue. 效率专家们似乎把所有时间都用来增加微博的财政收入。

Another important factor is the technical efficiency of a country's people. 另一个重要因素是一个国家人民的技术效率。

Setting a deadline for each task can definitely help improve your efficiency. 为每个任务都设定截止期限肯定能帮助你提高效率。

Only if they operate at near capacity, otherwise, their overall efficiency is poor. 除非它们是在接近满负荷的情况下运行,否则整体效率会很低。

In China today, the utilization efficiency of farming water is about 30-40 percent. 在今天的中国,农业用水的利用效率约为30%-40%。

The team is looking for other materials to decrease coil size and boost efficiency. 该团队正在寻找其他材料,以减少线圈尺寸和提高效率。

The best argument for efficiency is its cost—or, more precisely, its profitability. 提高效率的最佳理由是它的成本——或者更准确地说,是它的盈利能力。

Efficiency is also a great way to lower carbon emissions and help slow global warming. 提高效率也是减少碳排放和帮助减缓全球变暖的好方法。[1]

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