1.N-VARExpense is the money that something costs you or that you need to spend in order to do something. 花费

2.N-PLURALExpenses are amounts of money that you spend while doing something in the course of your work, which will be paid back to you afterwards. (由雇主报销的工作) 开支 [商业]

3.PHRASE If you do something at someone's expense, they provide the money for it. 由…付费

4.PHRASE If someone laughs or makes a joke at your expense, they do it to make you seem foolish. 捉弄 (某人)

5.PHRASE If you achieve something at the expense of someone, you do it in a way that might cause them some harm or disadvantage. 以牺牲 (某人的利益) 为代价

6.PHRASE If you say that someone does something at the expense of another thing, you are expressing concern that they are not doing the second thing, because the first thing uses all their resources. 以牺牲 (某物) 为代价 [表不满]

7.PHRASE If you go to the expense of doing something, you do something that costs a lot of money. If you go to great expense to do something, you spend a lot of money in order to achieve it. 花大钱 (做某事)[1]

Operating expenses 营业费用 ; 营业开支 ; 经常性支出 ; 营运开支

Accrued expenses 预提费用 ; 应累算费用 ; [会计] 应计费用

transportation expenses 运输费用 ; 从价运费 ; 运费 ; 运输用度

相关查询: N-VARExpense something something.
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