This textbook,cornposed of two volumes, is intended for theteaching of English literature to both English and non-English ma-jors in higher educational institutions as well as for those who LearnEnglish in their spare time and whose English has reached such alevel that guidance for further study seems necessary.[1]
Chapter One The Anglo-Saxon period(450-1066)
1.Historical background
2.Northumbrian School and Wessex literature
3.Anglo-Saxon poetry
Chapter Two The Norman Period(1066-1350)
1.Historical backgroung
2.Middle English
3.Religious Literature
4.Romance and the in fluence of French of French literature Sir Gawain and the Green Knight
Chapter Three The age of Chaucer(1350-1400)
Historical background
Geoffrey Chaucer(ca.1340?-1400)
The Canterbury Tales
Chapter Four The Fifteenth Century(1400-1550)
1.Historical background
2.Popular ballads
3.Sir Thomas Malory(ca.1405-1471)
4.Early English plays
The Popular Ballads
The Three Ravens
Sir Patrick Spens
Robin Hood and the Three Squires