N any of a large group of minerals consisting of the silicates of calcium, iron, magnesium, sodium, and aluminium, usually in the form of long slender dark-coloured crystals. Members of the group, including hornblende, actinolite, and tremolite, are common constituents of igneous rocks 闪石[1]

amphibole group 闪石类 ; 角闪石族 ; 角闪石 ; 角闪石类

amphibole ariegite 角闪石尖榴辉岩

artificial amphibole 人造角闪石

amphibole types 闪石类型

amphibole asbestos[矿物] 闪石石棉 ; 角闪石石绵 ; 闪石类石棉 ; 角闪石石棉

manganese amphibole 锰角闪石

amphibole granite 角闪石花岗岩

fluor amphibole 氟角闪石

chlor amphibole 氯绿钙闪石[1]

相关查询: minerals consisting silicates calcium magnesium aluminium usually slender dark-coloured crystals. Members including hornblende actinolite tremolite constituents igneous
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