英 [ˈfreʃwɔːtə(r)] 美 [ˈfreʃwɔːtər]

adj. 淡水的;淡水中生长的;位于偏僻地方的,地方性的

n. 淡水;内河;湖水

n. (Freshwater)(美)弗雷什沃特(人名)[1]


freshwater /ˈfrɛʃˌwɔːtə/ TEM4

1.ADJ A freshwater lake contains water that is not salty, usually in contrast to the sea. Freshwater creatures live in water that is not salty. 淡水的 [ADJ n][1]

Freshwater crocodile 澳洲淡水鳄

freshwater fish 淡水鱼 ; 淡水鱼类

Freshwater biology 淡水生物学 ; 淡水

freshwater drum 淡水石首鱼

Freshwater resources 淡水资源 ; 淡水资本

Freshwater monitoring 年夜水监测[1]

Marine and freshwater stickleback can hybridize in contact zones. 海水和淡水棘鱼可以在接触区杂交。

There are bright prospects for freshwater fish farming. 淡水养鱼大有可为。

The Wildlife Park has plenty of freshwater crocodiles and saltwater crocodiles. 野生动物园里有很多生活在淡水湖的鳄鱼和生活在咸水湖的鳄鱼。

Some prefer shallow collections of freshwater, such as puddles, rice fields, and hoof prints. 有些喜欢小水坑、稻田和动物踩踏后留下的泥潭等浅层淡水蓄积之处。

The extraction process of nucleoprotein and protamine from freshwater fish spermary was studied. 研究淡水鱼精巢中的核蛋白和鱼精蛋白的提取工艺。

Whales originated in the freshwater lakes and rivers of ancient Asia about sixty million years ago. 鲸鱼起源于大约六千万年前亚洲的淡水湖泊和河流。

As the sea creeps into these freshwater marshes, however, rising salinity is hampering rice production. 然而,随着海水侵入淡水湿地,不断增加的盐分正在妨害稻米产量。

The environmental conditions of freshwater habitats, unlike those of ocean habitats, are highly variable. 与海洋生境不同的是,淡水生境的环境条件变化很大。

For hot desert locations with access to seawater, a new greenhouse design generates freshwater and cool air. 对于能够接触到海水的炎热沙漠地区,一个新的温室设计可以产生淡水和冷空气。

This fish lives in the freshwater streams of South America, and they can smell the blood from far away and launch attacks swiftly. 这种鱼生活在南美洲的淡水溪流中,它们能从很远的地方闻到血腥味,并迅速发起攻击。

The tiny plant is known as the 'thermal water lily' because it was discovered growing in the muddy edges of a freshwater hot spring. 这种小植物的睡莲叶只有一厘米宽,因为它被发现生长在淡水温泉的泥泞边缘。

Today green algae live mainly in freshwater, suggesting that their early evolutionary history may have occurred in freshwater habitats. 如今的绿藻大多生活在淡水水域中,这一点说明它们的早期进化史可能起源于淡水生境。

Wells are much more reliable sources of freshwater, and California is hoping that these deep wells may be the answer to their severe water shortage. 水井是更可靠的淡水来源,加州希望这些深井能解决他们严重的水资源短缺问题。

Munch and Salinas looked at lifespan data from laboratory and field observations for more than 90 species from land, freshwater and marine environments. 蒙克和萨利纳斯研究了来自实验室和野外的90多个物种的寿命数据,这些物种来自陆地、淡水和海洋环境。

Most of the world's potable water—freshwater suitable for drinking—is accounted for by groundwater, which is stored in the pores and fractures in rocks. 世界上大部分的饮用水——适合饮用的淡水——是由地下水提供的,它储存在岩石的孔隙和裂缝中。

The giant freshwater Mekong River stingray is just one of many mega fish species that could be threatened by dam-building plans in the Mekong River Basin. 湄公河流域的筑坝计划将会威胁到很多巨型鱼类,这种巨型淡水黄貂鱼只是其中一种。

Elsewhere in Antarctica, Russian researchers boast of their recent discovery of a freshwater reserve the size of Lake Ontario after drilling through miles of solid ice. 在南极洲的其他地方,俄罗斯研究人员炫耀他们最近在钻穿数英里厚的冰层后,发现了一个面积如安大略湖的淡水区。

The southern frontier of the desert was far to the north of where it is now, while semiarid grassland and shallow freshwater lakes covered much of what are now arid plains. 过往沙漠的南部边界比现在的边界更靠北,而半干旱的草原和较浅的淡水湖泊覆盖了现在干旱平原的大部分地区。

It's a Chinese paddlefish known as "king of all national freshwater fish". 它是一种中国白鲟,被誉为“全国淡水鱼之王”。

A survey of scientists found that extreme weather events, food insecurity, and freshwater shortages might create global collapse. 科学家的一项调查发现,极端天气事件、粮食不安全以及淡水短缺可能会导致全球崩溃。

What's more, the area will improve the water quality of Baiyangdian Lake, one of the largest freshwater wetlands in North China. 此外,该区将改善白洋淀的水质,白洋淀是中国北方最大的淡水湿地之一。

As the environment improves in and around Dongting Lake, China's second largest freshwater lake, the wetland has become cover once again for wildlife. 随着中国第二大淡水湖洞庭湖及其周边环境的改善,湿地再次成为野生动物的栖息地。

The Yangtze River provides one third of the country's freshwater resources, but it has met lots of environmental problems in recent years, such as heavy pollution and overfishing. 长江提供全国三分之一的淡水资源,但它近年来遇到了很多环境问题,如重污染和过度捕鱼。

A paper from Science of the Total Environment shows that the largest freshwater fish in China might have gone extinct between 2005 and 2010. Wei Qiwei, author of the paper, said in September, 2019, some experts supposed that the first-class protected fish had been extinct already. 《整体环境科学》的一篇论文显示,中国最大的淡水鱼可能已经在2005年至2010年间灭绝了。2019年9月,该论文的作者危起伟表示,一些专家认为这种一级保护鱼类已经灭绝。

Instead of freshwater moving out of the plant cells, salt from the seawater enters, reverse osmosis, and this actually strengthens the cells. 海水不仅不能抽走植物细胞里的水分,海水中的盐分反而会进入细胞内部,这就是所谓的反渗透。这种反渗透能力增加了细胞的强度。

California has been facing a drought for many years now, with certain areas even having to pump freshwater hundreds of miles to their distribution system. 加州已经遭受旱灾多年,某些地区甚至不得不从数百英里外抽取淡水,输送到他们的给水系统中。

The company manufactures a massive range of both freshwater and marine food products. 该公司生产大量的淡水及海产品。

These fish could be categorized into four types, including estuarine fishes, marine fishes, diadromous fishes and of freshwater fishes. 这些鱼类分为4个主要生态类型,包括河口性鱼类、近海鱼类、江海洄游型鱼类和淡水鱼类。

Climate change is inter-linked with other global environmental problems such as deforestation, desertification and freshwater degradation. 气候变化与森林砍伐、荒漠化和淡水退化等其他全球环境问题相互关联。[1]

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