阿肯(AKON),出生自非洲塞内加尔,美国歌手,世界杯期间联手美国当红女歌手凯莉·希尔森(Keri Hilson)演唱足球金曲《加油非洲!(Oh Africa!)》,成为2010年南非世界杯的主题曲。AKON还和迈克尔·杰克逊合唱了许多首歌曲,如"Hold My Hand","Wanna Be Startin' Somethin"。

Senegal - Akon

In case u aint know

I go by the name of akon and im from

(afrika afrika) home of

the goree island im from senegal

westside (afrika afrika)

so im gonna share with you on where

I'm from an how i was comin up (afrika afrika).

So what you know about

the strugles that my people went

trough so you can live

the way you live now

Say what you know about seeing

that brand new mother

giving away her newborn child

what u know about mr amadu ndiaij

that the senegalis cops

shot down

say what u know about how people

love to perceive us when

we are comin to a bran new town

now what u know about goree island

were all the slaves were

shiped from

what u know about beeing

born in america to avoid the


Still from the ghettos of senegal

(afrika afrika)

Comin from the ghettos of senegal

(afrika afrika)

comin from the ghettos of senegal

相关查询: 塞内加尔 世界杯 女歌手 主题曲 迈克尔 杰克逊 Startin Somethin
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