medical insurance 医疗保险 ; 医疗保险费 ; 医疗保障 ; 医疗安全

unemployment insurance 待业保险费 ; 失业保险金 ; 失业保障

mutual insurance 相互保险公司 ; [保险] 相互保险 ; 互助保险 ; 互相保险

aggression insurance 侵犯保险

insurance expense [保险] 保险费 ; 保险费用 ; 安全费 ; 正在翻译

maternity insurance [保险] 生育保险 ; 产妇保险 ; 生养保险 ; 生育安全

insurance conditions 保险条件 ; 保险前提 ; 安全条件 ; 保险条

transportation insurance 货运保险 ; 运输险 ; 运输

title insurance 产权保险 ; 产权保险费 ; 业权保险 ; 产权保证保险[1]

1Medical insurance is very pricey.医疗保险很昂贵。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

2Insurance claims are expected to soar.预计保险索赔会急剧增加。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

3He works in insurance.他在保险业工作。《牛津词典》

4He plans to recapitalize the insurance fund.他计划调整保险基金的资本结构。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

5You can hedge against illness with insurance.你可以买保险以备治疗患病之需。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

6You can make a claim on your insurance policy.你可按保险单索赔。《牛津词典》

7The company branched out into selling insurance.该公司开展了保险销售业务。《牛津词典》

8AIG is an organization of insurance underwriters.美国国际集团是一家保险核保人机构。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

9The fringe benefits include free health insurance.附加福利包括免费健康保险。《牛津词典》

10A few people tried to milk the insurance companies.有些人试图榨取保险公司的钱。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

11She gave false information to the insurance company.她向保险公司提供了不真实的资料。《牛津词典》

12The insurance fund would inject $750 into the banks.该保险基金将向银行投入750美元。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

13It did not occur to me to check my insurance policy.我没想到要核对我的保险单。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

14She admitted having driven the car without insurance.她供认驾驶了这辆没有保险的轿车。《牛津词典》

15The campaign will target American insurance companies.这场运动将以美国的保险公司为目标。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

16Your acceptance into the insurance plan is guaranteed.你参加保险计划一事已有保证。《牛津词典》

17Make sure that the firm's insurance cover is adequate.要确保该公司的保险保障是足够的。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

18They've really mucked us about over our car insurance.在我们的汽车保险问题上他们确实糊弄了我们。《牛津词典》

19Being boss of a software firm beats selling insurance.当一家软件公司的老板好过卖保险。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

20The insurance company is refusing to settle her claim.保险公司拒付她提出的索赔款项。《牛津词典》

21Take out accident insurance before you go on your trip.去旅行前要办理好意外保险。《牛津词典》

22The insurance company will refund any amount due to you.保险公司将退还你应得的所有款项。《牛津词典》

23The insurance policy covers sudden death or disablement.保险单为突然死亡或伤残保险。《牛津词典》

24They trade on people's insecurity to sell them insurance.他们利用人们的不安全感向他们推销保险。《牛津词典》

25With five previous claims, he's now a bad insurance risk.由于已有了五次索赔要求,他现在是一位风险很大的被保险人。《牛津词典》

26Car insurance policies have the prefix MC (for motor car).汽车保险单标有MC代号(表示汽车)。《牛津词典》

27Many loan application forms automatically add on insurance.许多贷款申请表自动附加保险。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

28They diddled their insurance company by making a false claim.他们通过提出虚假索赔来诈骗保险公司。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

29In extreme cases, insurance companies can prosecute for fraud.在极个别情况下,保险公司会起诉骗保行为。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

30Sheila found some work as a secretary in an insurance company.希拉在一家保险公司找到了一份做秘书的工作。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》[1]

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