根据《柯林斯英汉双解大词典 》:

PREP To move through something such as a hole, opening, or pipe means to move directly from one side or end of it to the other. 穿过

ADV Through is also an adverb. 穿过 [ADV after v]

PREP To cut through something means to cut it in two pieces or to make a hole in it. (切) 开; (钻) 透

ADV Through is also an adverb. (切) 开; (钻) 透 [ADV after v]

PREP To go through a town, area, or country means to travel across it or in it. 穿越 (城镇、地区或国家)

ADV Through is also an adverb. 穿越 [ADV after v]

PREP If you move through a group of things or a mass of something, it is on either side of you or all around you. 穿过 (人群或物体)

ADV Through is also an adverb. 穿过 [ADV after v]

PREP To get through a barrier or obstacle means to get from one side of it to the other. 越过 (障碍)

ADV Through is also an adverb. 越过 [ADV after v]

PREP If a driver goes through a red light, they keep driving even though they should stop. 闯 (红灯)

PREP If something goes into an object and comes out of the other side, you can say that it passes through the object. 穿过 (物体内部)

ADV Through is also an adverb. 穿过 [ADV after v]

PREP To go through a system means to move around it or to pass from one end of it to the other. 通过 (系统)

ADV Through is also an adverb. 通过 [ADV after v]

PREP If you see, hear, or feel something through a particular thing, that thing is between you and the thing you can see, hear, or feel. 透过

PREP If something such as a feeling, attitude, or quality happens through an area, organization, or a person's body, it happens everywhere in it or affects all of it. 贯穿; 遍布[1]

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