
We all see in black and white

When it comes to someone else's fight

No one ever gets involved

Apathy can never solve

Forced out brave and mighty

Stolen land they can't fight it

Hold on to pride and tradition

Even though they know

How much their lives are really missing

We're dissing them

On reservations and yeah

A hopeless situation

Respect is something that you earn

Our Indian brothers getting burned

Original American

Turned into a second class citizen

Forced out brave and mighty

Stolen land they can't fight it

Hold on to pride and tradition

Even though they know

How much their lives are really missing

We're dissing them

On reservations and yeah

A hopeless situation

Cry for the Indians

Die for the Indians

Cry for the Indians

Cry cry cry for the Indians

Love the land and fellow man

Peace is what we strive to have

Some folks have none of this

Hatred and prejudice

Forced out brave and mighty

Stolen land they can't fight it

Hold on to pride and tradition

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