
Materialist Album Version - Bad Religion

You're obsesssed and distressed

Cause you can't make any sense of the ludicrous nonsense

and incipient senescence

that will deem your common sense useless

this aint no recess!

I want to believe in you, but my plan keeps falling through

I know I have to face the harshnes, grin and bear the truth

And I have to walk this mile in my own shoes

I'm materialist

a full-blown realist

and I guess I'm full of doubt

so I'm prone to hear you out and refuse

I'm materialist

There ain't no fear in this

it's for all to see, so don't talk of hidden mysteries with me...

Mind over matter, it really don't matter

If the street's idle chatter turns your heart strings to tatters

Flatter hopes don't flatter and soul batter won't congeal to mend

a life that is shattered into shards

Was it in the cards?

The process of belief is an elixir when you're weak

I must confess, at times I indulge it on the sneak

but generally my outlook's not so bleak

I'm materialist

Call me a humanist

and I guess I'm full of doubt,

but I'll gladly have it out with you

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