
Didn't know she was crying

Until now as she turns to look at me

She said Boy o' boy

You bring tears to my eyes

I said What

She said Boy o' boy

You bring tears to my eyes

Bob Marley said

How long shall they kill our prophets

While we stand aside and look

But little did he know that

Eventually the enemy

Will stand aside and look

While we slash and kill our own brothers

Knowing that already

They are the victims of the situation

Still licking wounds from brutality

Still licking wounds from humiliation

She said all these words and the

Wrinkles on her face became

Perfect trails for the tears and she said

We are the victims every time

We got double trouble every time

We are the victims every time

We got double trouble every time

We are the victims every time

We got double trouble every time

She took me outside to the churchyard

Showed me graves on the ground and she said

There lies a man who fought for equality

There lies a boy who died in his struggle

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