英 [ˈætəˌvɪzəm] 美 [ætəˈvɪzəm]

n. 返祖现象;隔代遗传[1]

wheat atavism 小麦返祖现象

Atavism complex 返祖

reversible atavism 返祖现象

theory of atavism 隔代遗传论

atavism regeneration 返祖性再生

Atavism ataxinomic phenominon 螺旋状花序[1]

In other words, metamorphosis in mole salamanders is an atavism. 换句话说,鼹钝口螈的变态是一种返祖现象。

The technical term for an evolutionary throwback is an "atavism", from the Latin atavus, meaning forefather. “进化返祖”的专业术语是“atavism”,源自拉丁语的“atavus”,意为祖先。

If for any reason this does not happen, the ancestral feature may not disappear, leading to an atavism. 如果因为任何原因,这些事情没有发生,祖先的种种特性也许就不会消失,从而导致返祖现象。

They are explainable as a species of mental atavism. 这些都可以解释为一种精神的返祖现象。

Atavism must be counteracted by the powers of the mind, and reaction is a form of atavism . 返祖必将受到思维能力的阻碍,而复古恰恰是返祖的一种形式。

Now we are not sure that he has atavism , because such a diagnosis needs more high-tech inspection. 目前还不能肯定陈聪华是一种返祖现象,需要利用高科技手段对其进行进一步的诊断。

One striking example of an atavism is the human coccyx, or tailbone, which is a relic of the mammalian tail. 关于返祖的一个有力例证就是人类的尾骨,它是哺乳动物尾巴的遗留物。

Of course a tramp is not a nomadic atavism-one might as well say that a commercial traveller is an atavism. 流浪汉当然不是游牧性格的隔代遗传现象——还不如说旅行推销员是隔代遗传的呢。

The civilization craftsman mythology usually exceeds the originality craftsman mythology, though sometimes with the atavism. 文明社会的工匠神话对原始工匠神话多有超越,但有时又出现返祖现象。

If learning and gentility are signs of civilization, perhaps our almost-big brains are straining against their residual atavism, struggling to expand. 如果学习和温婉是文明的标志,那么也许可以说我们那不算太大的大的大脑正在超越落后的残余,努力扩展着自己。

The authors consider that the distortion perhaps is atavism. Perhaps these transitions reflect the developmental process of the ovuliferous-scale in history. 作者认为这类珠鳞的畸变是返祖现象,可能在某些方面反映了珠鳞的历史演变过程。

Such an atavism is the consequence of the principles of economy in human thinking and sociocultural psychology as well as the internal selective mechanism of human language. 这种返祖现象的语言学成因,除语言内部选择机制的作用外,还有思维经济原则和社会文化心理的作用。[1]

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