
banking /ˈbæŋkɪŋ/ TEM4

1.N-UNCOUNTBanking is the business activity of banks and similar institutions. 银行业务

2.N-UNCOUNT an embankment of a river 河堤[1]

Retail Banking 零售银行 ; 零售银行业务 ; 零售性银行业务 ; 售业务

wholesale banking 批发银行 ; 批发银行业务 ; 企业银行 ; 批发银行业

Monetary Banking 货币银行学 ; 钱币银行学 ; 货泉银行学

banking sector[金融] 银行部门 ; 银行业 ; 银行界 ; 银行部分

Currency Banking 货币银行学 ; 钱币银行学

Banking Law[法] 银行法 ; 金融法 ; 银行法

Banking Management 银行经营管理学 ; 银行管理 ; 银行业务管理 ; 管理

Firm Banking 企业银行 ; 企业银行系统 ; 企业银行业务

Priority Banking 优先理财 ; 优先理财服务 ; 优先管理财务 ; 理财客户[1]

1He chose banking as a career.他选中银行业为职业。《牛津词典》

2She's thinking about a career in banking.她正在考虑从事银行业。《牛津词典》

3Bankers were fearful of a world banking crisis.银行家们害怕会有一场世界性的银行业危机。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

4They are open outside normal daily banking hours.它们在银行日常营业时间以外开放。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

5A wind of change was blowing through the banking world.银行界刮起了改革之风。《牛津词典》

6The leaflet explains how to complain to the banking ombudsman.该手册说明了如何向银行调查官投诉。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

7This should be the year of a big shake-out in Italian banking.这应该是意大利银行业大规模重组的一年。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

8The island offers a wide range of offshore banking facilities.这座岛提供广泛的海外银行业务。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

9There's no way to predict the future health of the banking industry.根本无法预测银行业将来的兴旺。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

10The market was held down by profit-taking in the banking sector yesterday.股市昨天因银行方面套利持续走低。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

11Banking today is a very different kettle of fish from the industry of the past.如今的银行业与过去的已是两码事了。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

12A deal between the two powerful institutions would have created a banking monolith.若当时这两个强大机构之间达成了交易,就会带来一个银行业的巨无霸。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

13The world of advertising is obviously less bound by convention than the world of banking.与银行业相比,广告业显然较少受常规的约束。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

14In 1987, Garcia introduced legislation to nationalize Peru's banking and financial systems.1987年,加西亚立法,将秘鲁的银行和财政系统收归国有。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

15Many will regard his appointment as the kind of nepotism the banking industry ought to avoid.很多人都把对他的任命看作银行业应当避免的裙带关系式操作。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

16The Caribbean has become an important location for international banking because it is a tax haven.加勒比海地区因其为避税安乐窝已成了国际银行业重地。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

17The government has lent millions of dollars to debt-ridden banks in contravention of local banking laws.政府把数百万美元借给了债台高筑的银行,违反了地方银行业法律。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

18Such a merger would be the largest in U.S. banking history, giving the two banks combined assets of some $146 billion.考虑到两家银行加在一起的资产有约一千四百六十亿美元,这样的合并在美国银行史上将会是最大的。《柯林斯英汉双解大词典》

19They want to do some banking at nights and on weekends.他们想在晚上和周末做一些银行业务。

20A case in point is Ivy, 57, a pioneer in investment banking.57岁的艾薇就是一个很恰当的例子,她是投资银行的先驱。

21You've established reputation in international banking circles.你们在国际银行界建立了声誉。

22The pact represented essentially a tightening up of banking rules.该协议实质上是代表了收紧银行业的监管规定。

23Although he says the worst is over, Baily says the banking crisis is not.虽然他说最糟糕的时期已经过去了,但是贝利说银行业危机还没有结束。

24Although he says the worst is just over, Bailey says the banking crisis is not.虽然贝利说最糟糕的时期已经过去了,但是他说银行业的危机还没有结束。

25The convenience of online banking appeals to the kind of customer banks most want to keep.网上银行的便利吸引了银行最想留住的那类客户。

26The development of banking and other financial services contributed to the expansion of trade.银行业和其他金融服务业的发展促进了贸易的扩张。

27Besides, many banks added online access, and online banking and bill paying became widespread.此外,许多银行开通了网上银行,因此在线办理银行业务和网络支付变得很普遍。

28The result of this policy of secrecy was that a kind of mystique had grown up around Swiss banking.这种保密政策的结果是,在瑞士银行业周围形成了一种神秘感。

29For some people, that sort of language attack is evidence that Mr. King is taking on the banking lobby.对一些人来说,那种语言攻击是金先生对银行游说的有力证明。

30It was granted a monopoly on joint-stock banking by Parliament in return for giving war loans to the government.作为向政府银行提供战争贷款的回报,议会授予它对股份制银行的垄断地位。[1]

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