scale invariance 尺度不变性 ; 扩张不变性 ; 标度不变性 ; 标度不变

lorentz invariance 洛伦兹不变性 ; 伦兹不变性 ; lorentz不变性 ; 翻译

adiabatic invariance[物] 绝热不变性

relativistic invariance 翻译 ; 相对论性不变性英语

scaling invariance 标度无关性 ; 标度不变性 ; 度不变性

modular invariance 模数不变性

conformal invariance[高能] 共形不变性 ; 保角不变性

invariance method[统计] 不变性方法 ; 不变性法

Functional invariance 泛函不变性[1]

Fingerprint identification has been one of the most effective methods on personal identification from long time ago due to fingerprints' uniqueness and invariance.由于指纹具有唯一性和不变性,长期以来指纹识别一直是个人身份识别最有效的方法之一。

The Grand Teton pronghorn are notable for the invariance of their migration path and the severity of its constriction at three critical spots, known as Trappers Point, the Red Hills, and the Funnel.大提顿公园的叉角羚更值得注意,是因为它们的迁徙路线一成不变,并受到三个关键地点(“捕捉器地点”、“红山”和“漏斗”)的严重威胁。

By using the invariance property of VSC, the controlled system independent of the uncertainty which satisfies the matching condition on the sliding surface.利用变结构控制的不变性,使受控系统在滑模面上与满足匹配条件的系统不确定性无关。[1]

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