英 [ɪnˈdʒekʃ(ə)n] 美 [ɪnˈdʒekʃ(ə)n]

n. 注射;大量资金的投入;(液体)注入,喷入;(宇宙飞船等的)射入轨道,入轨;内射,单射[1]

injection molding 喷射造型法

water injection 注水;喷水

injection mold 注塑模具

injection mould 注塑模具

injection molding machine 注模机;注压机

fuel injection 燃油喷射;燃料喷射

injection moulding 注射模塑(法);喷射铸造法

injection pressure 注射压力,喷注压力

steam injection 蒸汽喷射,蒸汽注入;射汽法

gas injection 注气;煤气喷射

injection well 注入井

injection rate 注入量;注射速率;喷吹率

injection machine 注射成型机

coal injection 喷吹煤粉

injection pump 喷射泵,注射泵

fuel injection system 燃油喷射系统;燃料喷入系统

injection water 注射水

powder injection 喷粉;无针粉未注射器

intravenous injection 静脉注射

direct injection 直接喷射;直接注入;直接射出法[1]

An anaesthetic was administered by injection. 麻醉剂已注射入体内。

You may notice redness and swelling after the injection. 注射后会出现红肿。

Execution by lethal injection is scheduled for July 30th. 注射死刑定于7月30日执行。

An injection of local anaesthetic is usually given first to numb the area. 通常先局部麻药注射使这一部位失去知觉。

The reason why the injection needs repeating every year is that the virus changes. 每年需要重新注射的原因是这病毒经常变化。

A man awaiting death by lethal injection has been saved by a last-minute reprieve. 一名等待被注射处死的男子因为最后一刻的缓刑而获救。

The second injection should only have been given once the first drug had taken effect. 第2针本应只在第1针见效后才能注射。

They were unable to prove that the unfortunate lady had died as a direct result of his injection. 他们不能证明那名不幸女士的死亡是由于他的注射直接造成的。

Who had given me the injection? 是谁给我注射的?

Dependency injection lets you weave together the main layers of your application, thereby lets you produce a loosely coupled application. 依赖注入让您将应用程序的主要层次编织到一起,从而使您产生一个松散耦合应用程序。

Under the new Northern Territory law, an adult patient can request death—probably by a deadly injection or pill—to put an end to suffering. 根据新的北领地法律,成年病人可以要求死亡——通过注射或服用致命药丸来结束痛苦。

In experiments, an injection of cytoplasm from dextral eggs changes the pattern of sinistral eggs, but an injection from sinistral eggs does not influence dextral eggs. 在实验中,用取自右旋卵子的细胞质进行的注射,可改变左旋卵子的模式;用取自左旋卵子的细胞质进行的注射却不能影响到右旋卵子。

In experiments, an injection of cytoplasm from dextral eggs changes the pattern of sinisterly eggs, but an injection from sinisterly eggs does not influence dextral eggs. 在实验中,右旋卵子的细胞质注射改变了左旋卵子的形态,但是左旋卵子的细胞质注射不会影响到右旋卵子。

The injection sent his leg into spasm. 一针打下去,他的腿就痉挛了。

They gave me an injection to help me sleep. 他们给我打了一针以助我入眠。

An injection of cash is needed to fund some of these projects. 其中的一些项目需要投入现金资助。

The theatre faces closure unless it gets an urgent cash injection. 剧院面临着倒闭,除非有大笔救急现金投入。

Dr. Culver nervously muttered "Here goes," and gave the little girl an injection. 卡尔弗医生紧张地嘀咕了一句“要打了啊”,接着就给那小女孩打了一针。

Everything that happens next during the procedure must be related to this story—an injection becomes the bite of an insect; the heat on the skin becomes the sensation of the sun and a machine that rings becomes a police car passing nearby. 催眠过程中接下来发生的一切都必须和这个故事有关——注射变成了昆虫的叮咬;皮肤上的热度变成了太阳的感觉;响起的机器变成了一辆经过附近的警车。

Sara gives Linc an injection that will only last for a while. 莎拉给林肯注射了一针,但只能维持一段时间。

For Droujkova, high-level math is important, and what it could use in American classrooms is an injection of childlike wonder. 对于杜洛埃科娃来说,高水平的数学很重要,可以在美国课堂上引起孩子们的好奇心。

Hemostasis was attempted by injection with polidocanol in 15 patients. 15例患者经注射后止血成功。

Many proteins and peptide drugs have to be delivered by injection or a nanoneedle array. 许多蛋白质和肽类药物必须通过注射或纳米针阵列来传递。

The objective is to evaluate the clinical value and method of percutaneous intradiscal and injection of sclerosant. 目的是探讨 CT 导向下经皮穿刺注入硬化剂的临床疗效。

The objective is to investigate the mechanism of Secretio bufonis injection on the carcinostatic activities in mice bearing intraperitoneal H22 tumor. 目的是探讨蟾酥注射液对H22 腹水型肝癌小鼠肿瘤抑制作用的作用机理。

She pressed the patient a bit too hard when she gave him an injection. 她打针时手重了些。《新英汉大辞典》

A safe injection does no harm. 安全的注射没有任何伤害。

Now I'll give you an injection. 现在我先给您打一针。

This is called dependency injection. 这叫做依赖注入。

Nobody likes to get an injection. 没有人喜欢打针。[1]

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