菜系及功效:肾调养食谱 阳痿早泄食谱 美容菜谱 补阳食谱 营养不良食谱





1. 将枸杞洗净;

2. 鸽蛋放凉水锅中,用小火煮熟去壳,滚上干淀粉,放入花生油锅内,表面炸成黄色时捞出;

3. 将锅置于旺火上,放入猪油烧至八成热,将葱段和姜片炒出香味,倒入鸡汤炖3分钟;

4. 捞出葱段和姜片不用,加入酱油、料酒和胡椒粉;

5. 煮沸后撇净浮沫,改用小火炖40分钟左右;

6. 放入鸽蛋、枸杞和精盐,再炖10分钟左右即可。



Cuisine and effect: impotence and premature ejaculation kidney nursed back to health recipes recipe recipes beauty recipes BHD malnutrition Recipes

Taste: salty taste

Technology: stew

Wolfberry production materials pigeon stew:

Ingredients: 300 grams pigeon

Accessories: 15 grams medlar

Seasoning: lard (refining) 50 grams, 5 grams of onion, ginger 5 grams, 6 grams of soy sauce, cooking wine 10 grams, 2 grams of pepper, 30 grams of peanut oil, starch (corn) 20 grams, 5 grams of salt


1. The Lycium Wash;

2. Pigeon put cold water pot, low heat cooked and peeled, roll on the dry starch, peanut oil into the pot surface, deep fry until golden brown;

3. To stir the pot placed, into the hot lard Bacheng very badly burned, the smell of spring onion and ginger Stir, pour in chicken stew 3 minutes;

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